MPs Demand Consistent CT-scan Pricing Across Health Facilities – The Ankole Times

MPs Demand Consistent CT-scan Pricing Across Health Facilities

Monday, October 30, 2023

In an oversight visit to evaluate the implementation of government assurances within the Eastern region’s health sector, the Committee on Government Assurances and Implementation has taken steps to address disparities in user fees for Computed Tomography (CT) scan services at government hospitals.

During the visit, Members of Parliament (MPs) noted conflicting information from the Ministry of Health regarding the fees associated with CT scans. At Mbale Regional Referral Hospital on October 27, 2023, the hospital director, Stephen Obbo, informed the MPs that they charge UGX 150,000 for CT-scan services. This fee is utilized to procure consumables and perform equipment repairs and maintenance to ensure sustainability.

This revelation conflicted with the statement made by the Minister of State for Health (General Duties), Hon Anifa Kawooya, who had declared that CT-scan services should be provided free of charge, considering that Ugandans pay taxes to fund such services. Committee Chairperson, Hon. Betty Nambooze, expressed Parliament’s ability to allocate funds for the maintenance of such equipment and emphasized the need for consistency.

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To the surprise of the MPs, the hospital director presented a letter dated June 2, 2023, from the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Health. The letter directed hospitals to impose charges for CT-scan services, directly contradicting the minister’s assertion that these services should be free. Chairperson Nambooze criticized this inconsistency and called for a revision and harmonization of the Ministry’s position.

Hon. Robert Ssekitoleeko raised concerns about the lack of a standard user fee for CT-scan services in government hospitals, highlighting the potential for abuse. He pointed out the variations in pricing, with different hospitals charging different amounts. For instance, Jinja charges UGX 120,000, while Mbale charges UGX 150,000. Nambooze added that Mukono charges UGX 50,000 for CT-scan services, whereas they are provided free of charge in Mbarara.

The absence of a clear policy instrument has raised concerns that unless the Ministry establishes a consistent stance on fees, CT-scan services may be at risk of discontinuation. MPs Julius Emigu and Connie Galiwango expressed their worries about the situation, emphasizing the need for a unified and transparent policy.

The MPs have pledged to bring this issue to the attention of Parliament as a matter of national importance in the coming week.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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