Museveni Pushes for Speedy Construction of Gulu Hospital – The Ankole Times

Museveni Pushes for Speedy Construction of Gulu Hospital

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Gulu Hospital Project Gains Momentum as President Museveni Takes Action
Olga Nassaali
3 Min Read

Uganda’s President Museveni has called for swift progress on the construction of a new hospital in Gulu District. The hospital, which is expected to cost billions of dollars, will be a modern facility with 324 beds. It is set to benefit millions of people in northern and eastern Uganda, as well as neighboring countries like South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Officials from Gulu University have confirmed that the necessary land for the project has already been secured. President Museveni has directed the Ministry of Health to collaborate with the Finance and Education ministries, along with the Attorney General, to facilitate the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with VAMED Engineering GmbH, an Austrian construction company.

VAMED Engineering GmbH had previously expressed its readiness to construct the hospital using a loan of €155.2 million (approximately Shs620.8 billion) from the Germany Export Credit Agency, with an interest rate of less than one percent. They have also committed to delivering the hospital with all the necessary medical equipment within three years, aiming for full functionality by 2026.

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In his directive, President Museveni emphasized the importance of timely action, considering the substantial financial support being offered and the long-term benefits for healthcare in the region. He expressed his expectation that the hospital would not only provide critical medical services but also contribute to capacity-building for local healthcare professionals.

Despite the previous assignment of Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng, the Minister of Health, to oversee the project, President Museveni expressed his concern over the lack of progress and issued a new directive to expedite the process.

The President also highlighted the government’s commitment to improving healthcare across Uganda and mentioned plans to construct specialized hospitals in each region once the economy stabilizes.

As of the latest update, Dr. Aceng did not respond to inquiries regarding the project’s progress. Other government officials either referred inquiries to the Ministry of Health or were unavailable for comment.

The Ministry of Education and Sports confirmed that Gulu University had allocated the necessary land for the hospital project. The Ministry of Finance indicated that it is actively working on the MoU signing process.

Gulu University expressed its readiness and commitment to the project, emphasizing its potential as a significant boon to healthcare in Uganda and neighboring countries.

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Uganda faces a pressing issue of low hospital bed capacity, particularly in government-run hospitals. In 2021, the country reported only 3,793 beds, a far cry from the World Health Organization’s recommended 47,000 beds. These included 3,100 standard beds, 475 high-dependence beds (HDU), and 2,018 beds for intensive care units (ICU). The construction of the Gulu Hospital aims to address this critical healthcare infrastructure gap.

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Born and raised in the heart of Uganda, Olga developed a deep appreciation for the power of storytelling from a young age. Her curiosity about the world and its myriad complexities led her to pursue a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, graduating with honors from Makerere University. This was just the beginning of her journey into the world of news publishing.
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