Museveni Receives Credentials from Five New Ambassadors – The Ankole Times

Museveni Receives Credentials from Five New Ambassadors

Wednesday, March 6, 2024
PHOTO -- PPU/State House
Ibrahim Jjunju
2 Min Read

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni of Uganda was honored to receive credentials from five newly appointed ambassadors on Tuesday. The official ceremony took place at State House, Entebbe, where each ambassador presented their credentials in separate engagements.

Among the ambassadors who presented their credentials were Maj. Gen. Paul Kisesa Simuli, the High Commissioner of Tanzania to Uganda, Brig. Gen. Jules Ndihokubwayo representing Burundi, Yesenia Fernandes from Venezuela, Mauro Massoni representing Italy, and Nicol Adamcova representing the Czech Republic.

In individual sessions, each ambassador had the opportunity to formally present their credentials to President Museveni. These moments marked the beginning of their diplomatic roles in Uganda, signifying their official accreditation to the country.

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Maj. Gen. Paul Kisesa Simuli, representing Tanzania, had the honor of presenting his credentials to President Museveni. Similarly, Brig. Gen. Jules Ndihokubwayo represented Burundi during the credential presentation ceremony. Yesenia Fernandes from Venezuela, Mauro Massoni from Italy, and Nicol Adamcova from the Czech Republic also had their moments to present their credentials.

President Museveni welcomed the newly appointed ambassadors to Uganda during the function. He expressed his commitment to working closely with them to enhance cooperation between their respective countries and Uganda. Strengthening diplomatic ties and fostering collaboration in various areas were highlighted as priorities during the discussions.

The ceremony at State House provided an opportunity for President Museveni and the newly accredited ambassadors to engage in meaningful dialogue regarding bilateral relations, shared interests, and opportunities for collaboration. The presence of these ambassadors underscores the importance of diplomatic engagement in promoting peace, stability, and development.

As part of Uganda’s commitment to international cooperation, President Museveni reiterated the country’s readiness to collaborate with the ambassadors in various sectors, including trade, investment, and cultural exchange. The event symbolized a significant step towards deepening diplomatic ties and advancing mutual interests between Uganda and the represented countries.

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