Nakapiripirit Locals Left Displaced as Top Leaders Seize Land – The Ankole Times

Nakapiripirit Locals Left Displaced as Top Leaders Seize Land

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Paul Ayolo | Nakapiripirit, Uganda: Hundreds of locals in Okudud village, Kawach sub-county, Nakapiripirit  district, are living in dire conditions after top political leaders in the district reportedly seized land for themselves and their families.

In 2010, President Museveni directed the Uganda Wildlife Authority to degazette a portion of land occupied by Pian Upe game reserve for community use.

This publication has learned that over 40,000 hectares of land were removed from the park for community use; however, all the land has allegedly been seized and surveyed by top political leaders in the district for their personal benefit.

The identities of these top political leaders, although withheld at present, will be disclosed later. They have purportedly claimed the land for their grandparents, despite it being part of the game reserve.

Mary Nangiro, one of the affected families, lamented their situation, stating that they are living like slaves and have no land for planting crops.

“We thought our political leaders were supposed to protect us, but instead, they have become a major problem for us,” she said.

According to Nangiro, they have attempted to lodge complaints with these top politicians, urging them to allocate them a portion of the land. However, instead of addressing their concerns, the leaders allegedly respond with threats of arrest against those demanding land from them.

Magdalen Nake, another resident, appeals to President Museveni to intervene and order his top political leaders to vacate the community land, emphasizing that they have nowhere else to settle.

“Mr. President, please rescue us from these political vultures. We are living like orphans, without representation in parliament and the district,” she urged.

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