National IDs Held by Moneylenders Disrupt NRM Membership Update – The Ankole Times

National IDs Held by Moneylenders Disrupt NRM Membership Update

Friday, March 15, 2024
Uganda National IDs
Agnes Namaganda
3 Min Read

The absence of National Identification Cards (IDs) has posed significant challenges to the registration and update process of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party register in Nakaseke district, Uganda. Numerous residents have reported that their National IDs are being withheld by money lenders, causing disruptions in the registration process.

Last year, the National Identification and Registration Authority issued a stern warning, prohibiting the utilization of National IDs as collateral for obtaining loans, emphasizing that these IDs remain the property of the government.

To assess the situation, Kabuye Kyofatogabye, the State Minister for Kampala Metropolitan Affairs, conducted impromptu visits to Kiwoko town and Kikamulo sub-county in Nakaseke. During these visits, it was revealed that the update exercise of the NRM register was impeded by the absence of National IDs, which are a mandatory requirement for registration. National IDs serve as proof of citizenship, and the National Identification Numbers (NINs) are essential for each member’s registration.

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Village registrars and NRM chairpersons urged Minister Kyofatogabye to address the issue and compel money lenders to return the IDs to residents. Kyofatogabye acknowledged the illegality of money lenders retaining National IDs as collateral and pledged to present the matter to the cabinet for resolution. He also advised village registrars to register supporters even without National IDs temporarily, with a reminder to retrieve them later.

The NRM membership update exercise, initiated at the village level, commenced on March 13th and will conclude on March 17th, 2024. The party aims to register new supporters aged 16 and above while updating the particulars of existing members.

Despite efforts, Muhamood Bukenya Yiga, the NRM Administrative Secretary, revealed that numerous residents failed to present their National IDs during the registration process. Many residents informed village registrars that their IDs were held by money lenders as collateral for loans obtained. Consequently, village registrars were instructed to register these individuals temporarily and later obtain their NINs.

Simon Mwebe, a resident of Kiwoko town, shared his experience of surrendering his National ID to a money lender to secure funds for his children’s school fees. Mwebe expressed his lack of alternative collateral, such as land or property, which hindered his ability to obtain loans from banks.

Muhamadi Gubya, the NRM Chairperson for Nakaseke district, condemned money lenders for withholding people’s National IDs and called for government intervention. He highlighted the potential consequences, including hindrance to general election registration and other government programs.

Similar challenges have been reported in Luwero district, where several residents missed out on NRM registration due to the absence of National IDs, further affecting the registration process.

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