National Water and Sewerage Corporation Offers Amnesty to Illegal Water Users – The Ankole Times

National Water and Sewerage Corporation Offers Amnesty to Illegal Water Users

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Amnesty Period Announced for Illegal Water Connections

National Water and Sewerage Corporation (NWSC) Managing Director, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha, has declared a one-month amnesty period for individuals using water illegally. During a media conference in Kampala, Dr. Eng. Silver Mugisha disclosed that approximately 10% of NWSC customers are receiving water through unauthorized means, which is causing difficulties in resource allocation for the country’s water utility.

The primary issue causing non-revenue water is the unlawful use of water by some customers. It is estimated that about 10% of NWSC’s customers are obtaining water through unauthorized means. Therefore, a one-month amnesty has been initiated for those responsible for water theft.

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This amnesty duration offers an opportunity for illegal water users to approach NWSC and have their connections legalized without facing penalties. Dr. Mugisha emphasized that engaging in unauthorized water supply can lead to severe sanctions, including imprisonment, in accordance with the Water Act, if individuals are found guilty.

In addition to the issue of illegal water connections, NWSC’s Managing Director highlighted the problem of some customers failing to promptly settle their bills, even after receiving multiple SMS reminders. This trend is negatively affecting the utility’s ability to provide effective and efficient services.

Dr. Mugisha clarified that outstanding bills that are not cleared to a zero balance put customers at risk of water supply disconnection due to non-payment. NWSC’s intention is not to disconnect customers, but operational continuity necessitates such actions.

To support their strategic corporate plan and the “Water for all programme,” which aims to achieve 100% piped water coverage in approximately 22,000 villages served by NWSC, the corporation is urging customers to consistently pay their water bills. This financial support is essential for sustaining the “Water for all” initiative.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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