NRM Vice Chair Kigongo Calls for Pause in Party Roadmap, Urges CEC Consultation – The Ankole Times

NRM Vice Chair Kigongo Calls for Pause in Party Roadmap, Urges CEC Consultation

Saturday, February 24, 2024
PHOTO -- The 1st National Vice Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) Party Haji Kigongo Moses talking about the NRM Ideology and cadre-ship during the Resident District Commissioners, Resident City Commissioners, Deputy Resident Commissioners and Deputy City Commissioners induction retreat at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) Kyankwanzi on 29th July 2022. Photo by PPU/Tony Rujuta.
Simon Kapere
3 Min Read

A pivotal meeting chaired by Brig. Gen. Moses Kigongo, the National Resistance Movement’s (NRM) Vice Chairman, has resulted in the suspension of activities outlined in the party’s roadmap for the period 2024-2026. The decision was made during a special gathering held at Mosa Courts in Kampala on February 23, where Kigongo and other high-ranking NRM members convened to address pressing party matters.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, Kigongo has corresponded with President Yoweri Museveni, the party’s chairman, outlining concerns regarding the designation of parliamentary commissioners representing the NRM. In a letter dated February 23, Kigongo underscored the necessity of consulting the Central Executive Committee (CEC) before proceeding with the outlined roadmap activities.

The roadmap, unveiled in November of the previous year by Dr. Tanga Odoi, Chairperson of the NRM electoral commission, delineated a series of activities including the printing and updating of the NRM voters register, as well as the nomination and campaigning processes for party structures at various levels. However, Kigongo’s intervention underscores the need for broader consultation within the party’s highest decision-making body before proceeding further.

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Highlighting the urgency of the matter, Kigongo emphasized the need for CEC’s input in shaping the party’s trajectory moving forward. The decision to pause roadmap activities reflects a commitment to ensuring coherence and consensus within the NRM’s leadership ranks.

Kigongo’s stance resonates with sentiments expressed during a recent meeting of self-styled NRM cadres at Kati-Kati Restaurant in Kampala, where calls for CEC intervention in resolving internal party contradictions, particularly regarding the 2026 presidential flag bearer, were reiterated. The convergence of voices demanding greater transparency and inclusivity in decision-making processes underscores the significance of Kigongo’s directive.

While the specifics of the resolutions reached during Kigongo’s meeting remain undisclosed, it is evident that a reevaluation of the party’s approach to governance and decision-making is underway. Central to this recalibration is the recommendation to President Museveni to revise the composition of CEC to exclude certain special guests, a move aimed at streamlining the party’s decision-making apparatus.

Among the contentious issues addressed by Kigongo is the designation of parliamentary commissioners, which he asserts was carried out without due consultation with CEC, thereby contravening established party procedures. This discrepancy has sparked discontent among NRM lawmakers, who have petitioned President Museveni to intervene in the matter, citing concerns over representation and accountability.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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