NUP Football Event Raided by Police in Jinja – The Ankole Times

NUP Football Event Raided by Police in Jinja

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Today afternoon in Buyengo, Jinja district, a planned football match organized by supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) faced disruption by the police, according to reports by the Party President Bobi Wine. The match, held at Buyengo Playground, was intended to be a peaceful gathering for both players and spectators. However, without apparent justification, the police intervened, initiating chaos by firing explosives at those present.

The sudden and violent intervention by the police disrupted the match, causing confusion and fear among players and spectators alike. Reports indicate that the police not only fired explosives but also resorted to making arrests. Among those detained are leaders of the youth coordination team for Eastern Uganda, along with several other comrades.

According to Bobi Wine, the people of Uganda deserve a future where their voices are heard, and their rights are protected, free from fear and repression.

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In the face of adversity, he says NUP remains steadfast in its determination to bring about positive change in Uganda. “The disruption of the football match may temporarily impede progress, but it will not deter the collective efforts of those striving for a more just and inclusive society”.

In another recent statement, the NUP leader  highlighted a concerning trend regarding corruption in Uganda’s government. Wine referenced a claim made by then Inspector General of Government, Irene Mulyagonja, in 2018. Mulyagonja had alleged that when attempting to pursue corrupt officials, she often found them sheltered by President Museveni’s influence.

Wine pointed to a specific instance where President Museveni publicly praised Anita Among, who faces accusations of involvement in grand corruption and abuse of office. This praise from Museveni, despite the serious allegations against Among, raises questions about the government’s commitment to combating corruption.

Furthermore, Wine criticized Museveni and others within the regime for deflecting blame onto marginalized groups, such as homosexuals and foreigners, instead of holding corrupt officials accountable. This tactic, according to Wine, serves to divert attention away from the real perpetrators of corruption within the government.

Wine went on to suggest that Museveni’s praise of Among, despite the corruption allegations, indicates a deeper involvement by the president in sanctioning bribery and corruption among government officials. Wine implied that Among’s ability to allegedly influence opposition members through financial means suggests a broader pattern of corruption within the regime.

In addressing the people of Uganda, Wine emphasized the need for self-reliance in addressing the country’s challenges. He urged Ugandans to recognize that meaningful change will only come through their own collective action and determination.

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