NUP Receives Potential Flag-Bearer for Dokolo Byelection After Month-Long Search – The Ankole Times

NUP Receives Potential Flag-Bearer for Dokolo Byelection After Month-Long Search

Monday, February 19, 2024

Harriet Ageno, one of the 11 women who had initially expressed interest in running as the National Resistance Movement (NRM) party flag-bearer for the Dokolo Woman MP byelection, has offered herself as a candidate to the National Unity Platform (NUP). Ageno’s decision came after the NRM announced that it would not hold primaries and instead support its 2021 flag-bearer, Janet Adongo, for the byelection.

Ageno officially presented herself to NUP on February 17, 2024, at Dokolo Hotel in Dokolo district, where she was warmly received by NUP Secretary General David Lewis Rubongoya and other party officials. Her move comes after NUP had struggled for a month to find a suitable woman to front as its flag-bearer for the byelection.

Explaining her decision, Ageno cited her disillusionment with the NRM’s manifesto, which she observed was not effectively implemented. She expressed her belief that joining NUP would provide her with a platform to advocate for the rights of the voiceless and contribute positively to her community.

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The Dokolo Woman MP position became vacant following the passing of former MP Cecilia Barbara Atim Ogwal in January 2024, prompting the Electoral Commission to schedule the byelection for February 21, 2024.

Rubongoya revealed that Ageno was the only aspirant who expressed interest in representing NUP in the byelection. However, he emphasized that the door remains open for other interested women to come forward.

Should no other aspirant emerge by the following week, Rubongoya stated that NUP would officially unveil Ageno as its candidate at the party’s headquarters in Kampala.

Ageno, who hails from Adok sub-county and is married in Dokolo South, is seen as a strong contender for the position due to her political experience and resilience. NUP officials have expressed confidence in her ability to effectively advocate for issues such as education, agriculture, healthcare, and poverty eradication in Dokolo. Additionally, they have called on voters to resist bribery during the upcoming byelection.

Despite facing threats, NUP remains determined to mobilize support for Ageno and ensure a successful outcome in the Dokolo byelection.

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Leila Baku Mohammed is the NS Media publisher for the West Nile Region.
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