Martin Aliker: A Giant in Ugandan History – The Ankole Times

Martin Aliker: A Giant in Ugandan History

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Aliker's involvement in international affairs also included negotiations with Gaddafi during the Libyan leader's final days. Despite efforts to relocate Gaddafi to Uganda, the plan was unsuccessful.
Rothschild Jobi
3 Min Read

Martin Aliker, a prominent figure in Ugandan history, has passed away, leaving behind a legacy of remarkable achievements and contributions to his country and beyond.

Born into a family with deep roots in traditional leadership, Aliker inherited a legacy of service and leadership. Following in his father’s footsteps, he assumed the throne after his father, establishing himself as a respected leader in his community.

Beyond his familial ties, Aliker’s influence extended to national and international arenas. As the brother of Daudi Ochieng, who served as Kabaka Yeka Secretary General, Aliker was part of a powerful family with significant political connections.

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Trained as a dentist, Aliker set up his practice in Wandegeya, aiming to provide affordable dental services to Makerere University students and staff. His commitment to accessibility and affordability reflected his dedication to serving his community.

In addition to his dental practice, Aliker ventured into politics, serving as a Minister in Uganda. His involvement in governance allowed him to contribute to national development and policy-making.

Aliker’s influence extended beyond Uganda’s borders, as evidenced by his involvement in key negotiations, including the government-LRA talks in the early 2000s. His diplomatic skills and strategic insights played a crucial role in facilitating dialogue and peace-building efforts.

Known for his extensive network of contacts, Aliker maintained relationships with leaders across Africa and beyond. From being a neighbor to President Kibaki of Kenya to friendships with Seretse Khama of Botswana and other presidents, Aliker’s influence transcended borders.

One of Aliker’s most notable interactions was with Nelson Mandela, who reached out to him to facilitate communication with John Garang of SPLM (Sudan’s People Liberation Movement). Mandela’s trust in Aliker’s ability to connect him with Garang highlights Aliker’s reputation as a trusted intermediary.

Aliker’s involvement in international affairs also included negotiations with Gaddafi during the Libyan leader’s final days. Despite efforts to relocate Gaddafi to Uganda, the plan was unsuccessful, showcasing Aliker’s involvement in high-stakes diplomatic efforts.

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Martin Aliker’s passing marks the end of an era, leaving behind a legacy of leadership, diplomacy, and service. His life story, documented in his book “The Bell is Ringing,” serves as an inspiration for future generations, reminding Ugandans of the importance of preserving and sharing their stories for posterity. As Ugandans mourn the loss of a true giant, Aliker’s memory will continue to inspire and educate generations to come.

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