Obongi Gets 8.3 Billion Shilling Boost for Upgrading Health Centres – The Ankole Times

Obongi Gets 8.3 Billion Shilling Boost for Upgrading Health Centres

Saturday, December 23, 2023
The contractors handed over the Bill of Quantities (BOQ) to the Obongi district leaders earlier this week.
Okidi Patrick
1 Min Read

Obongi district has received over 8.3 billion shillings for upgrading three Health Centres III from temporary to permanent structures. According to the Obongi RDC, Hasaka Samuel Mpimbasa, the architectural plans, drawings, and BOQs have been handed over to district leaders led by the district chairperson, Obongi Abib Buga Khemis, the RD’s office, deputy CAO Lokoroi Charles, and the Ag. DHO Dominic Lomerechu. The function took place at the district chairperson’s office.

The handover was done by Engineer Musinguzi Begumisa and Mpaata Emmanuel from the Ministry of Health. The contractor who will carry out the work within a 15-month timeframe, Ms. YOUGJIN Construction Company, has been officially introduced to the district leaders.

The district chairperson, Haji Abib Buga Khemis, directed the Ministry of Health to ensure the groundbreaking is done before work begins. The RDC Obongi, Samuel Mpimbasa Hashaka, commended the NRM government for considering Obongi district under this project. Hasaka warned the contractor against shoddy work and failure to complete the work on time.

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The construction of the over 8.3 billion shillings structures is being implemented under the Uganda Covid-19 Response Emergency Preparedness Project, funded by the Government of Uganda and the World Bank.

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