Obongi Youth Turn to Drugs Amidst Unemployment Woes, RDC Vows Action – The Ankole Times

Obongi Youth Turn to Drugs Amidst Unemployment Woes, RDC Vows Action

Saturday, December 30, 2023
Obongi RDC Hasaka Samuel Mpimbaza Meeting with the Youth in Obongi
Okidi Patrick
2 Min Read

Youth in Obongi district, particularly in the ghetto, have informed the Obongi Resident District Commissioner (RDC) that they have resorted to drug addiction due to frustration, job denials, and marginalization in all government-funded programs.

RDC of Obongi, Mr. Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka, held a meeting with the youth in Konyokonyo zone in Obongi town council over the weekend at Yenga village in Palorinya sub-county. During the meeting, he found them chewing mairungi and smoking opium.

According to Hasaka, the youth explained that due to corruption, they have been denied job opportunities, and money meant for various projects, such as YLP, UWEP, DRDIP, and EMYOOGA, has been embezzled and diverted.

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The residents of Yenga village in Palorinya sub-county cited the Yenga cook stove project, where over 50 million shillings earmarked for brick making and energy-efficient cook stoves were embezzled.

The police were reportedly informed of the matter, but no action has been taken against those who embezzled the funds at the district headquarters.

The Resident District Commissioner (RDC) assured the youth that all their grievances would be addressed. Investigations will be conducted, those found culpable will be prosecuted, and the wanainchi will receive what is due to them.

Hasaka advised the youth to report any corrupt government officials embezzling money from Obongi district to his office so that they can be handled in accordance with the rule of law.

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