Old Kampala S.S.S Headteacher Posting Mired in Bribery Allegations – The Ankole Times

Old Kampala S.S.S Headteacher Posting Mired in Bribery Allegations

Friday, November 24, 2023
Old Kampala SSS Main Gate. | FILE PHOTO
The Ankole Times
3 Min Read

The Parents Teachers Association (PTA) of Old Kampala S.S.S has raised concerns about alleged bribery and political interference in the process of posting headteachers at the school.

It is alleged that Mr. Zziwa Ibrahim Ssekasanke, the current headteacher of Kalinabiri S.S.S, attempted to bribe Mr. Kyaka Alfred, the deputy commissioner Secondary Education, with Shs7,000,000 to secure a transfer to Old Kampala S.S.S. However, this attempt was unsuccessful.

In an effort to reconcile Mr. Ssuuna William, the current headteacher of Old Kampala S.S.S, with Mr. Kyaka, Ms. Zuria Karim, the headteacher of Kinyogoga Seed School, proposed that Mr. Ssuuna William raise Shs7,000,000 to refund Mr. Ssekasanke. However, Mr. Ssuuna William rejected this proposal.

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As a result of Mr. Ssuuna William’s refusal to cooperate, a group led by Mr. Kyaka and including Mr. Musinguzi Patrick, a suspended member of the Old Kampala S.S.S Old Students Association (OKOSA), began to campaign against Mr. Ssuuna William.

Separately, Mr. Kiberu, the former human resource commissioner at the Ministry of Education, allegedly solicited a bribe of Shs70,000,000 from Mr. Male Livingston, the former deputy headmaster of Lubiri S.S.S, in exchange for a transfer to Old Kampala S.S.S. After receiving the bribe, Mr. Kiberu informed Mr. Ssuuna William that his transfer letter was ready. This raised concerns among stakeholders, including the old students, who sought immediate intervention from the Inspector General of Government (IGG). The IGG subsequently halted the transfer and initiated investigations.

Despite the ongoing investigations, there are reports that Mr. Kyaka is in talks with Mr. Ssekasanke to find a way to secure his transfer to Old Kampala S.S.S, replacing Mr. Ssuuna William, who is allegedly facing imminent transfer. Additionally, Mr. Kiberu is reportedly lobbying for Mr. Livingston’s transfer to Old Kampala S.S.S.

The PTA of Old Kampala S.S.S is deeply concerned about these allegations and the potential negative impact they could have on the school’s academic performance and reputation. The PTA is calling for a transparent and merit-based process for selecting headteachers, free from bribery and political interference.

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