Opinion: NRM Shall Win Dokolo By-election - Says Ogwang Sammy – The Ankole Times

Opinion: NRM Shall Win Dokolo By-election – Says Ogwang Sammy

Friday, March 8, 2024
Sammy Ogwang
Okidi Patrick
3 Min Read

With just few days to nomination, NRM publicity secretary for Dokolo District, Mr. Sammy Ogwang, has made a concrete analysis, stating that the NRM party will fully take over Lango sub-region beginning with the Dokolo woman MP by-election. He has, in his opinion, said the NRM flag bearer, Adongo Janet Elau, shall win with a higher margin come March 21, 2024, compared to other political parties.

Ogwang Sammy – publicity secretary NRM Dokolo. Dokolo has since been known as a stronghold for the NRM party in the Lango sub-region. Recently, His Excellency Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni won with 60% in Dokolo district during the 2021 general election. Secondly, MP Okot Felix Ogong and Hon. Goli have both gone to the 11th Parliament representing the people of Dokolo under the NRM ticket.

However, the two members of parliament who are NRM strong supporters have now created unity in the party, of which we are working hard day and night to bring all party members together during this campaign period and beyond in order to make His Excellency go beyond sixty percent. I am in the task force of Flag Bearer Adongo Janet Rose Elau, and as a matter of fact, we have opened the door for total reconciliation where one has hurt another.

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We want the NRM Candidate to deliver in Dokolo and President Museveni to continue driving the country as the commander of the yellow bus come the 2026-2031 general elections. The President, during his swearing-in ceremony at the Parliament of Uganda in 1986, said, “it’s not just a mere change of guard but a fundamental change.” Therefore, the agenda of fundamental change is not yet over, and we want H.E. to stay until further notice. This includes prosperity for all, livelihood, household income, socio-economic transformation, among others.

As Ogwang Sammy, I would like to call upon all our party members, structures, and supporters to be ready to campaign for Adongo Janet Elau, NRM flag bearer, as we prepare to welcome His Excellency Gen. Yoweri Museveni Kaguta on March 19, 2024. I would like to congratulate the media of the Lango sub-region for continuously giving us platforms, radio airtime, and publication since the beginning of our consultation.

Congratulations to NRM Secretariat, Senide Rosemary, Deputy SG, SG Rt. Hon. Richard Todwong, EC Tanga Odoi, and Molly Kia Beatrice Abang. I thank those who have stepped down in favor of the flag bearer. I say all this for God and my country. Long live NRM.

I am Ogwang Sammy, NRM publicity sec. Dokolo district.

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