A handover of the maternity ward in Pakwach District took place on Wednesday, September 13, 2023. According to the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Pakwach, Paul Eseru, the site handed over to the UPDF Engineering Brigade for the extension of the maternity ward at Pakwach Health Centre IV will help boost the level of health service delivery in the district.
The function, which was presided over by the RDC, the LCV chairperson and his executive members, the CAO and technical staff, the DISO, and other dignitaries, kicked off very well.
The contract sum totals 514,652,273 UGX and is expected to be completed in six months.
The RDC, Paul Eseru, congratulated the UPDF Engineering Brigade for coming in person to attend the site handover. He assured the public of their cooperation with the UPDF engineering team to ensure that the maternity ward construction is completed on time.