Over Ten Million Shillings Raised at NRM Yellow Brigade Launch in Aliba, Obongi District – The Ankole Times

Over Ten Million Shillings Raised at NRM Yellow Brigade Launch in Aliba, Obongi District

Thursday, November 16, 2023
Aliba sub-county Yellow Brigade members jubilate after the launch of the Yellow Brigade.
Okidi Patrick
3 Min Read

Over ten million shillings have been raised at the launch of the Aliba Yellow Brigade in Aliba sub-county, Obongi district. The colorful ceremony was presided over by the Woman Member of Parliament (MP) for Nabilatuk district, Honorable Awas Sylvia.

The ceremony, which began with a march of NRM supporters from Obongi town to the landing site up to Aliba sub-county, was attended by the area MP for Obongi district, Dr. Bokha Didi George, the Woman MP for Obongi, Hon. Maneno Zumura, the district chairperson, Abib Buga Khemis, NRM secretary-general for Obongi, Tawa Philip, and the RDC for Obongi, Mr. Samuel Mpimbaza Hashaka, among other dignitaries.

On the other hand, the leaders advised the people of Obongi district to continue supporting the NRM party from the village to the national level due to the numerous achievements, which began with the creation of Obongi district, wealth creation, improvements in education, health, water, and income-generating projects.

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In an interview with our reporter today, the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) Hasaka Samuel Mpimbasa said the Yellow Brigade members are going to be used as foot soldiers in popularizing government-funded programs and fighting corruption in Obongi district.

“Thanks to the Central Organizing Committee (COC) for the fundraising and launch of the Yellow Brigade Aliba sub-county chapter for successfully organizing the event. In a special way, he also thanked the chief guest, Hon. Bokha Didi George, Hon. Maneno Zumura, the RDC, LC5, honorable councilors, NRM party executives, and all members of the mighty Yellow Brigade from all six sub-counties for the generous material, financial, and physical support to ensure the group stands firm for sustainable socio-economic growth and that of its members. ‘Together we can secure our future if we embrace the NRM ideology,’ said Hasaka.

The Woman MP for Nabilatuk district commended the team for such an initiative of truly beginning the Yellow Brigade umbrella but urged them to be united and continue supporting the mighty Party.

Several members of the Yellow Brigade are happy about the amount raised at the event.

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