Pajule HC IV Referred to as 'Torture Chamber' by Expectant Mothers – The Ankole Times

Pajule HC IV Referred to as ‘Torture Chamber’ by Expectant Mothers

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
The Pader district sec health and the DISO during the handover of maternal house renovated by USAID in the presence of H.E Natalie Brown on 5th of May 2022. Photo by Lakomekec Kinyera
Kinyera Lakomekec
4 Min Read

Pader, Uganda – Patients seeking services from Pajule health center IV has recently nicknamed the facility as a ‘torture chamber’ as many expectant mothers fear getting services from it due to severe harassment and beatings allegedly exerted on patients by some of the health workers.

With many alleged victims preferring anonymity, one identified as Grace from Lapul St Mary’s Bongtiko Sub County expressed her disappointment alleging that some of the health workers at Pajule health center IV are mistreating expectant mothers and other patients who turn up for medical services. She says when she went to deliver her child, she was pulled out, yet the baby was on the verge of coming out.

“The harassment by the health workers is alarming, and this should be looked into before it is too late. I was forced out of the labor room under unclear circumstances which I was, later fined some money on basis that I gave birth from outside the facility,” Grace recalls horrible services rendered to her.

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Another woman narrated the ordeal of how her sister was mistreated at the same health facility. Only identified as Monica from Pajule town council, stated that the actions of the health workers are evil. She alleged that some of the health workers there push the unborn baby back instead of helping during the delivery time, which is life-threatening to mankind.

Another, Ayaa from Toroma in Wol Sub County in Agago district and others alleged that the harassment is real, and it needs to be investigated, as it happened to their relatives who went to seek treatment at the facility. They alleged that some of the patients are either beaten seriously by the health workers or chased out of the labor room without clear explanations.

Mr Tito Okello Brilliant, the Pajule town council chairperson said he is disappointed in hearing the allegations brought up by the locals on the health workers, adding that his office has not yet received any formal complaint in relation to the alleged vice.

However, Okello said, he cannot deny that the vice is not happening. He further recommended investigations into the alleged vice for proper service delivery at the facility.

Meanwhile, Mr Justine Ocen, the Pader district secretary for health who doubles as the district vice chairperson acknowledged receiving the complaints from the populace about the alleged harassments by the health workers in the different sectors of the department at the facility. He says this is uncalled for, and it’s not ethical for a professional health worker.

Ocen further warned health workers to desist from it, adding that failure to adhere to the call; he/she (perpetrators) will be handled accordingly upon being found guilty after investigations are done.

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The facility recorded an increase in birth rate to 1,325 with 110 deliveries in each month from May 2021 to May 2022, and it receives roughly 400 patients daily with over 3,000 monthly.

According to Dr. Denish Ocaya, the then Pajule health center IV in charge, in his report last year, 2022, the health facility receives over 400 patients daily and roughly 3,000 patients monthly with over 5,737 expectant mothers yearly.

A reported 66 deliveries are made by cesarean with the facility accommodating over 231,700 people since it acts as the district hospital with low coverage of bedding of less than 84 for patients and only 12 beds for maternity wards and no neonatal health care units.

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