Balaalo Dispute Divides Acholi Region – The Ankole Times

Balaalo Dispute Divides Acholi Region

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Tensions Erupt as Leaders and Locals Clash

In Acholi region districts, tensions are escalating as the eviction deadline for Balaalo (nomadic herdsmen) approaches, prompting leaders and locals to take sides ahead of President Yoweri Museveni’s impending visit.

Divisions have emerged among Members of Parliament (MPs), cultural leaders, landowners, and the local population in the region, reflecting the complexity of the issue.

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A recent clash unfolded when Kilak South MP Gilbert Olanya, accompanied by other MPs, crossed into Kilak North constituency to mobilize the community against the presence of Balaalo. The engagement ended in a clash, highlighting the intensity of the disagreement.

Convening at Palukere Primary School in Atiak sub-county Amuru district, the MPs urged locals to reject any plans allowing Balaalo to stay. Olanya cited President Museveni’s Executive Order 3, extending the eviction deadline to November 15, 2023, and emphasized the need to initiate the eviction process.

The legislator’s statements seemed to incite the locals, urging them not to be timid and accusing the government of using officials like Resident District Commissioners (RDCs) to facilitate the occupation of indigenous land.

RDC Stephen Odong Latek, present at the meeting, expressed the need for respectful dialogue, leading to a heated exchange with Olanya. The RDC insisted on avoiding insults and challenged those inciting locals to lead the way to Balaalo homes, emphasizing accountability.

Meanwhile, Richard Santo Apire, the Atiak clan chief, called for government reimbursement of money spent by Balaalo to buy land in Acholi. Cultural leaders indicated they would not punish locals who sold land due to extreme poverty and challenging circumstances.

Another group of MPs, led by Catherine Lamwaka, criticized Olanya’s political approach, urging a focus on finding solutions to address the sale of land to various tribes rather than inciting locals.

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A lands ministry report from September 2023 revealed that 20.1% of Acholi’s total land is titled, with 90% of titled holders being indigenous people. This challenges claims that customary land in Acholi is not meant to be sold, as even those making such claims have acquired land through purchase and titling.

As President Museveni’s visit approaches, scheduled for November 3 in Okidi sub-county, Amuru district, the focus intensifies on the eviction of Balaalo. The engagement aims to gather perspectives from landowners, Balaalo, and other stakeholders to inform the President’s decision on the matter. Allegations against Balaalo include land grabbing, cattle grazing in gardens, illegal land titles, eloping with married women, and possession of firearms, contributing to the eviction order.

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As a proud contributor to both The Ankole Times and NS Media, Evelyn has her finger on the pulse of what's hot and happening. When she's not busy crafting headlines that can make a hyena laugh, Atim enjoys taking long walks through the vibrant streets of Uganda, seeking inspiration in the most unexpected places—like the chaotic traffic or the street food vendors whose stories are as spicy as their dishes.
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