144 Dogs Spayed and Castrated to Tackle Stray Dog Problem in Gulu City – The Ankole Times

144 Dogs Spayed and Castrated to Tackle Stray Dog Problem in Gulu City

Sunday, April 14, 2024
PHOTO -- Tolit S Ivan
Jim Sykes Ocaya
3 Min Read

Big Fix Uganda, a non-governmental organization operating a dog hospital, has undertaken a significant initiative in response to the growing concern over the increasing number of stray dogs in Gulu City. The organization has recently carried out the castration and spaying of at least 144 dogs in an effort to control the dog population and mitigate the challenges associated with stray animals roaming the streets.

The decision to conduct mass castration and spaying procedures comes as part of Big Fix Uganda’s ongoing efforts to address the issue of stray dogs in Gulu City. The organization recognized the importance of proactive measures in managing the population of free-roaming dogs, which can pose risks to public health and safety if left unchecked.

By neutering both male and female dogs, Big Fix Uganda aims to prevent the proliferation of unwanted litters and reduce the number of stray puppies born on the streets. This approach not only helps to control the canine population but also contributes to promoting responsible pet ownership and animal welfare within the community.

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The spaying and neutering procedures were carried out at the dog hospital operated by Big Fix Uganda, where trained veterinarians and staff members provided care and assistance throughout the process. The initiative was conducted in accordance with established veterinary practices and guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of the animals involved.

In addition to addressing the immediate issue of stray dog overpopulation, Big Fix Uganda also emphasizes the importance of education and awareness-raising initiatives within the community. By engaging with local residents and pet owners, the organization aims to promote understanding of the benefits of spaying and neutering pets and encourage responsible pet ownership practices.

The successful completion of the mass spaying and neutering campaign marks a significant milestone in Big Fix Uganda’s ongoing efforts to improve animal welfare and address community concerns related to stray dogs in Gulu City. Moving forward, the organization remains committed to continuing its work in collaboration with local authorities and stakeholders to create a safer and healthier environment for both humans and animals alike.

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Jim Sykes Ocaya is the Business Editor at The Ankole Times, where he spearheads comprehensive coverage of the business landscape in Uganda. With a keen eye for market trends, financial analyses, and corporate developments, Jim ensures that The Ankole Times delivers top-notch business news to its readers. His insightful reporting provides valuable insights into the economic pulse of the region, making him a trusted source for the business community.
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