Lango Kingdom Pushes for Revised Dress Code, Respect for Husbands at Women's Conference – The Ankole Times

Lango Kingdom Pushes for Revised Dress Code, Respect for Husbands at Women’s Conference

Saturday, May 18, 2024
Lango Paramount Chief, Dr. Eng. Moses Michael Odongo Okune, Calls for a Better Dress Code Among Women and Girls During Women's Conference Organized by Queen Margaret Odongo at Lango Cultural Foundation on Friday. Photo by Okidi Patrick.
Okidi Patrick
3 Min Read

The paramount chief of Lango Cultural Foundation (Won Nyaci), His Highness, Eng. Dr. Moses Michael Odongo Okune, has urged women in his kingdom to consider the matter of dress code important within Lango cultural norms. He addressed over 400 women from different clan leadership levels under Lango Cultural Foundation at Senior Quarters, Lira City East Division, in Lira City on Friday.

“The dress code among women and young girls should be corrected and addressed in a more disciplined way,” said Dr. Eng. Okune. He also warned that the forthcoming coronation in November this year will be globally significant and should not be trivialized.

Additionally, he urged women in the Lango sub-region to respect their husbands.

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Speaker Willy Omodo Omodo stated that they will design a dress code for all clan leaders, adding that each clan will contribute one million shillings to grace the coronation of the new “Won Nyaci” elect on November 2, 2024. This will include a visit to one of Lango’s prominent cultural sites, Got Ojwang, located in Otuke district of Lango sub-region.

However, the total budget needed for the coronation processes of the new Won Nyaci is 2.8 billion, according to Speaker Willy Omodo Omodo.

Meanwhile, Speaker Omodo Omodo commended everyone for their contributions to ensure the day is colorful.

Several resolutions were reached, including organizing a women’s conference yearly on May 17, granting land to women who have returned home, promoting respect for husbands, and reducing the rate of alcohol consumption among women. These resolutions will be further scrutinized and discussed by the Council of clan heads, commonly known as “Owitong.”

The colorful women’s conference was held at the invitation of His Highness’s wife, Queen Margaret Odongo, and was the first of its kind in the kingdom. The meeting was chaired by Josephine Omara Olili, the RDC of Kole district, and was attended by Joy Atim Ongom, former woman MP of Lira, former RDC Joan Pacoto, and members of the ‘Itogo,’ among others.

Over 400 women attended the conference organized on May 17, 2024, at Lango Cultural Foundation headquarters, representing all nine districts of Lango, including Lira City.

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