Mubende Maternity Ward Controversy: 3 Officials Arrested by SHACU – The Ankole Times

Mubende Maternity Ward Controversy: 3 Officials Arrested by SHACU

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Officials from Mubende District have been apprehended by the State House Anti-Corruption Unit on charges of neglect of duty, which resulted in the loss of taxpayers’ money. The arrested individuals include the District Health Officer, Mr. John Bosco Ssendikaddiwa, the District Engineer responsible for buildings, John Bosco Kamya, and the head of engineers.

The allegations against these officials stem from their purported negligence in overseeing the construction of a maternity ward at Kibaliinga Health Centre III. According to the charges, their failure to fulfill their duties adequately led to substandard workmanship, with the roofing of the ward left incomplete and the beds within it left to rust. Such negligence poses a significant risk to patients and compromises the quality of healthcare services provided.

Expressing their discontentment, mothers residing in the ward have voiced their disappointment with the government, highlighting that the facility’s conditions are far from conducive for them and their newborn babies. Dr. George Ndagijimaana, the individual in charge of Kibaliinga Health Centre III, acknowledged the dire state of the maternity ward, noting that its condition has deterred many women from seeking medical care at the facility.

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Sub Standard Work

Allegations initially surfaced against Ssendikadiwa Bosco, the contract manager, and two engineers, who were tasked as project supervisors, for their purported failure to effectively oversee the extension project of a maternity ward. This negligence reportedly led to the project’s non-completion and the presence of visibly substandard work.

SHACU Steps In

In response to these allegations, the State House Anti-Corruption Unit, in collaboration with the Uganda Police, took action by apprehending three officials from Mubende District Local Government. Among those arrested are John Baptist Muzibira, who served as the District Engineer, Kamya John Birungi, the Civil Engineer, and Ssendikadiwa Vito Bosco, the Acting District Health Officer. They are now facing accusations of Abuse of Office.

The extension project for the maternity ward, under the management of Ssendikadiwa Bosco and supervised by the two engineers, was expected to enhance healthcare facilities in Mubende District. However, reports suggest that their alleged mismanagement has resulted in significant setbacks, including the incomplete construction of the ward and the presence of shoddy workmanship.

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