Museveni Under Fire to Honour 1993 Road Works Pledge – The Ankole Times

Museveni Under Fire to Honour 1993 Road Works Pledge

Friday, April 19, 2024
PHOTO -- UNRA -- Nabumali-Kachonga-Butaleja-Busolwe-Budumba-Namutumba road cut off due to heavy flooding in 2018
Nandutu Mary
4 Min Read

Residents and leaders in Butaleja District are calling on President Museveni to honor longstanding pledges to repair crucial roads, citing years of unfulfilled promises. Among the commitments are plans to tarmac the Busolwe-Nagongera-Tororo and Nabumali-Butaleja-Namutumba roads, pivotal routes connecting various districts. Despite numerous assurances dating as far back as 1993, the roads remain in a dire state, riddled with potholes and dust, severely hampering both trade and daily commutes.

According to district leaders, President Museveni has made repeated assurances during electoral campaigns and public addresses, yet tangible progress on these roadworks has been elusive. The roads in question, crucial arteries for transportation and commerce, have languished in disrepair for decades, negatively impacting the local economy and quality of life for residents.

Despite the protracted delay, the Uganda National Roads Authority (Unra) and Bunyole East MP, Yusuf Mutembuli, assert that plans are underway to initiate construction works. Discussions regarding funding for the projects are reportedly ongoing with the Ministry of Finance, signaling a potential breakthrough in addressing the longstanding road infrastructure challenges.

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However, the delay in road repairs continues to exact a toll on the district’s economic prosperity, hindering trade and impeding access to essential services. Leaders and residents alike express frustration over the sluggish pace of progress, emphasizing the urgent need for road upgrades to spur economic growth and social development in the region.

Usher Wilson Owere, chairman of the National Organisation of Trade Unions (Notu), underscores the transformative impact that tarmacked roads would have on local businesses and livelihoods. He stresses the importance of infrastructure development in fostering economic opportunities and improving living standards for residents.

Echoing these sentiments, Michael Okongo Choki, a Tororo District councilor, attributes the underdevelopment of West Budama and Butaleja to the inadequate road networks, which deter potential investors and impede market access for local produce. The sorry state of the roads, compounded by logistical challenges, has resulted in financial losses for traders and farmers alike, exacerbating poverty in the region.

David Mulabi, a former Bunyole East Parliamentary aspirant, highlights Butaleja’s significant agricultural output and its potential contribution to national food security. However, without proper road infrastructure, farmers struggle to transport their produce to markets efficiently, perpetuating cycles of poverty and economic stagnation.

Calls for urgent action extend beyond economic considerations, with stakeholders emphasizing the broader societal benefits of improved road networks. Steven Masiga, spokesperson for Inzu Yamasaba, the Bugisu Cultural Institution, underscores the role of accessible roads in reducing maternal mortality rates and enhancing healthcare access for rural communities.

Despite the persistent challenges, hopes are pinned on the government’s commitment to fulfilling its pledges and kick-starting much-needed road construction projects. While past assurances have fallen short of realization, residents remain cautiously optimistic about the prospects of tangible progress in the near future.

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Mary Nandutu is a news writer who contributes to NS Media and The Ankole Times. Whether it's breaking news or in-depth features, Mary delivers with precision and style.
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