Ntungamo Technical Instructors Protest Over Salary Delays – The Ankole Times

Ntungamo Technical Instructors Protest Over Salary Delays

Tuesday, February 6, 2024
PHOTO -- Kibatsi Technical Ntungamo
Elizabeth Karungi
1 Min Read

Instructors from Ihunga Polytechnic Institute and Kibatsi Technical Institute in Ntungamo district are demonstrating against delayed salary payments. They have not received salaries since October last year, impacting their ability to teach and support their families.

The protestors, holding placards outside the chief administrative officer’s office, demand answers regarding their salary payment. They express frustration over the lack of action from responsible officers despite repeated complaints.

Onesmus Ndyaguma, a plumbing instructor, leads the demonstration, emphasizing the disappointment in the delay’s impact on their families’ education expenses. Atuhaire Ketty Hamidah, another instructor, highlights how their own children face challenges in accessing education due to unpaid fees.

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Attempts to meet with the CAO are thwarted as his office is locked. The instructors call for intervention from the Education Minister, Janet Museveni, to address their grievances.

While the district acknowledges the salary delay, citing challenges with budget allocation for enhanced science instructors’ salaries, they promise to resolve the issue soon. Rosemary Atuhairwe urges the instructors to return to teaching as efforts are made to pay their arrears and ensure timely payments going forward.

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Elizabeth Karungi, a news publisher at The Ankole Times, has been a driving force in navigating the challenges and opportunities presented by the digital age. Her strategic approach to online content delivery and social media engagement has propelled The Ankole Times to new heights, ensuring its relevance in the fast-paced world of digital news consumption.
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