Renewed Hope: Nyapea College Transformed with Modern Classroom Blocks – The Ankole Times

Renewed Hope: Nyapea College Transformed with Modern Classroom Blocks

Thursday, October 26, 2023
PHOTO - Aero Films
Simon Kapere
4 Min Read

Zombo – St Aloysius College Nyapea, which had long grappled with low enrollment and poor academic performance, received a lifeline from education stakeholders. The college’s enrollment had dwindled to below 100 students in recent years, prompting concerns about its viability. However, thanks to the concerted efforts of the Ministry of Education and the school’s alumni, the institution’s future is now looking brighter.

On Tuesday, stakeholders officially inaugurated two new classroom blocks at the college, a project that came at a cost of 308 million Ugandan shillings. These classroom blocks are equipped with 100 desks, aiming to enhance the learning environment for the students. The construction was carried out by a contractor, and the completed structures were handed over to the district authorities, who, in turn, entrusted the keys to the school administration for immediate use.

Bro. Paul Nantinda, the headteacher of St Aloysius College Nyapea, shared insights into the college’s journey. When he first joined as a classroom teacher in 2015, the institution’s student population stood at a mere 118. By 2017, when he assumed the role of headteacher, the college faced a daunting challenge to attract students.

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St Aloysius College Nyapea has a rich history, established in 1938 by the Brothers of the Sacred Heart in Gulu and relocated to Nyapea in 1940. Over the years, the dwindling enrollment became a growing concern, prompting the college’s alumni, often referred to as the “old boys,” to rally resources to support the institution.

The concerted efforts of the alumni and education stakeholders have yielded promising results, with the student population gradually increasing to 434 in 2023. This resurgence has rekindled the hopes of the community.

One factor contributing to the attraction of students to the college has been the presence of a school band. Nyapea College was known for its vibrant band, but with the old instruments no longer serving their purpose, the college’s participation in parades and social functions was hampered. To rectify this, the old boys generously provided the college with new band instruments, aiming to restore the institution’s former glory and create an environment conducive to learning.

In addition to revitalizing the band, the alumni also joined the Lions Club, which initiated an agricultural project, constructed a school gate, and installed three boreholes on the campus. The construction of five new classrooms further transformed the appearance of the college, as the outdated structures received a much-needed facelift. These improvements collectively contributed to the resurgence of the college.

The headteacher, Bro. Paul Nantinda, acknowledged the role of the Ministry of Education in the college’s revival. He noted that while the ministry had always paid attention to the college, certain channels and individuals had previously mismanaged the funds. However, a shift in the ministry’s approach, coupled with increased transparency, has resulted in positive changes that have attracted more students to the institution.

Before the construction of the two new classroom blocks, the college relied on ten aging classrooms. While a total of eight new classrooms were needed, the funding secured from the education ministry through Rhema Engineering made it possible to construct five new classrooms, significantly bridging the gap and providing students with improved facilities for learning.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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