Rwenzururu Queen Advocates for Castration of Incestuous Men – The Ankole Times

Rwenzururu Queen Advocates for Castration of Incestuous Men

Saturday, April 13, 2024
Rwenzururu Queen Nyabaghole Agnes Ithungu Asimawe
Hope Turyomurugyendo
3 Min Read

Rwenzururu Queen Nyabaghole Agnes Ithungu Asimawe has sparked controversy by advocating for the castration of men who engage in sexual relations with their own children, branding such acts as sacrilegious. Her bold statement came during the belated International Women’s Day celebrations held at Katunguru Primary School in Lake Katwe Sub-County, Kasese District.

Expressing her dismay at the disturbing phenomenon of incest, Queen Nyabaghole questioned the origins of such urges and likened the behavior to that of animals. She lamented the societal implications of such heinous acts and expressed a desire to enforce castration as punishment for perpetrators, emphasizing the gravity of the offense.

The Rwenzururu Queen’s remarks underscored the severe trauma inflicted upon victims of incest, particularly young girls, which often leads to their premature departure from school. She highlighted the psychological torment endured by these children, emphasizing the detrimental impact on their education and overall well-being.

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In her address, Queen Nyabaghole urged the Banyarwenzururu community and the broader populace of Kasese to recognize the abhorrent nature of incest, labeling it not only as an abomination within Bakonzo culture but also as a manifestation of societal primitivity. She emphasized the necessity of upholding modern societal values, condemning incest as antithetical to these principles.

Furthermore, Queen Nyabaghole encouraged young girls within the kingdom to pursue careers traditionally dominated by men, such as mining, engineering, architecture, and ICT. She expressed confidence in the abilities of women to excel in these fields, advocating for gender equality and empowerment.

Additionally, the Rwenzururu Queen called upon women to leverage technology for socioeconomic advancement within their families and communities. Emphasizing the transformative potential of technology, she urged women to embrace its capabilities for the betterment of society.

Kasese Woman Member of Parliament, Ms. Florence Kabugho, echoed the sentiments of Queen Nyabaghole, urging women to support each other in achieving success rather than succumbing to envy or competition. She called for a shift in mindset within society to recognize and harness the leadership potential of women, advocating for greater female representation in political spheres.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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