Passing of Henry Kyemba Marks the End of an Era in Ugandan Politics – The Ankole Times

Passing of Henry Kyemba Marks the End of an Era in Ugandan Politics

Friday, October 20, 2023

Leaders from the Busoga Sub-region expressed their gratitude for the significant role played by the late Henry Kyemba in Uganda’s post-independence history. Kyemba, who recently passed away at the age of 86 due to complications related to diabetes, was living in Namugongo, a suburb of Kampala, under the care of his eldest daughter, Ms. Susan Kyemba.

Mr. Christopher Katagwa, a nephew of Kyemba, confirmed his passing on Wednesday evening. He explained that Kyemba had been an integral part of Uganda’s history, particularly in the Busoga Sub-region, and was among the last members of Idi Amin’s cabinet.

Kyemba’s career included various government and ministerial positions, such as his role as the Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Culture in 1972 and his time as the Minister of Health during the Idi Amin regime. His book, ‘A State of Blood,’ documented eyewitness accounts of Amin’s alleged brutality and reign of terror.

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Ms. Proscovia Salaam Musumba, a prominent figure from the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC), described Kyemba as a representative of Uganda’s post-independence generation of politicians and a living repository of the country’s history, both positive and negative.

Mr. Albert Brewer Abaliwano, an alumnus of Busoga College Mwiri and a friend and contemporary of Kyemba, lamented his passing, calling it a significant loss at a time when Busoga and Uganda needed the wisdom of their elders to guide and mentor the younger generation. Abaliwano recalled his days as Kyemba’s Head of House at Nadiope House in Busoga College Mwiri in 1956 and praised Kyemba for his contributions to public service, which played a role in shaping Uganda as it moved towards independence.

George Mutyabule, the Speaker of Busoga Lukiiko (Parliament), highlighted Kyemba’s commitment to service delivery, articulateness, and his role as a critical thinker. Mutyabule described Kyemba as a true patriot who remained loyal to his country.

Former Minister of Lands, Mr. Daudi Migereko, spoke of Kyemba’s dedication and commitment to his various roles, even during his time serving in the NRM government. Migereko noted that Kyemba’s integrity and prudent use of public resources made him a role model for public servants and politicians throughout the country.

The Kyemba family will announce burial arrangements in due course, which will involve the participation of Cabinet, Parliament, and other teams. However, they plan to lay him to rest at the family’s burial grounds in Wanyama Village, Bugembe Ward, Jinja North Division, Jinja City.

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