Thousands Gather to Bid Farewell to Former Minister Henry Kyemba – The Ankole Times

Thousands Gather to Bid Farewell to Former Minister Henry Kyemba

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Thousands of people from various parts of the country assembled in Wanyama Village, Jinja North Division, Jinja City, Eastern Uganda on October 26, 2023, to pay their respects to the late former minister, Henry Kyemba.

The burial ceremony commenced with a service at Christ’s Cathedral Bugembe, presided over by Busoga Diocese Bishop, Rt. Rev. Paul Samson Naimanhye, who characterized the late Kyemba as a statesman. Bishop Naimanhye hailed Kyemba as a highly knowledgeable and experienced political leader, elder, advisor, national leader, and a compassionate person. He expressed that Kyemba’s passing was a significant loss to Uganda, Busoga region, and the Church.

Dr. Stephen Watya Genga, an urologist from Uro-Care Hospital, treated Kyemba during his illness and revealed that Kyemba succumbed to prostate cancer. Dr. Genga noted that Kyemba showed great respect for his health, even adjusting his diet for his well-being. He also mentioned Kyemba’s dedication to prayer and how he shared Uganda’s history with the health team during his illness.

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The First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Community Affairs, Ms. Rebecca Kadaga, served as the chief mourner at the funeral, representing President Museveni. She spoke of her deep connection with Kyemba, describing him as a unique figure who cherished humanitarian services, particularly through Rotary Clubs.

Mr. Alfred Nabeta, who represented Kyemba’s clan (baise munhya) in Mayuge District, lauded Kyemba’s humanitarian heart and emphasized that his unique qualities led to his service in various government positions. Mr. Nabeta acknowledged Kyemba’s role in imparting valuable humanity values to the community and the importance of upholding the family’s name.

Mrs. Janet Kyemba, the widow, shared her perspective on Kyemba, describing him as a loving person who was diagnosed with diabetes in 1989. She highlighted the challenges he faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which prevented him from attending medical reviews. Mrs. Kyemba asked for forgiveness on behalf of her late husband from anyone who may have been wronged by him.

In a special message, Mrs. Kyemba reminded the Rotary family, represented by past District Governor and the current District Governor 9213, Mr. Edward Kakembo, of Kyemba’s love for Rotary and encouraged them to continue his humanitarian work.

Former Lands Minister, Mr. Daudi Migereko, acknowledged Kyemba’s service to the government during challenging times. Ms. Linda Kyemba, speaking on behalf of the children, expressed their appreciation for their beloved father, who left behind a legacy of service.

Busoga Kingdom Prime Minister, Dr. Joseph Muvawala, noted Kyemba’s influence on his life, stating that Kyemba had encouraged him to serve as the Busoga Kingdom Prime Minister. Dr. Muvawala fondly remembered the courage Kyemba instilled in him.

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During the funeral, the Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) paid their respects to the late Kyemba with seven gun salutes.

The burial ceremony was attended by several governmental ministers, members of parliament, and friends, who came together to bid farewell to the former minister. The late Henry Kyemba, a respected political figure and a dedicated humanitarian, left a lasting impact on those who knew him.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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