Museveni Confirms ADF Terror Commander's Death in Recent Air Strike – The Ankole Times

Museveni Confirms ADF Terror Commander’s Death in Recent Air Strike

Saturday, September 23, 2023
President Yoweri Museveni has confirmed notorious Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terror commander Meddie Nkalubo was among those killed in last week’s airstrike.
Hope Turyomurugyendo
2 Min Read

President Yoweri Museveni has shared details about a recent airstrike against the notorious Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) terrorist group. He confirmed that the ADF terror commander, Meddie Nkalubo, was among those killed in the attack that took place on September 16, 2023.

President Museveni stated that the Ugandan Air Force targeted four ADF terrorist locations situated between 100 and 150 kilometers from the Ugandan border on the Ntoroko side. These targets were identified with the help of reconnaissance assets from the Special Duties Regiments (SDR).

A week later, on September 23, 2023, President Museveni revealed that Meddie Nkalubo was responsible for the bombings that occurred in Kampala in November 2021, including the incidents near the Central Police Station, Parliament, Pastor Robert Kayanja’s Church, and the Bunamwaya area.

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President Museveni had previously announced on September 18, 2023, that joint forces from Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) were conducting operations against the ADF terror group as part of Operation Shujaa. Many ADF members are feared to have been killed in these operations.

Museveni expressed gratitude to those who had sent congratulatory messages and emphasized the importance of eliminating terrorists in the region. He noted that the Congo Government had allowed their joint operations to pursue terrorists beyond their initial operating areas.

President Museveni also praised the cooperation between Uganda and the Congo and commended President Felix Tshisekedi for their joint efforts to combat terrorism and seek justice for victims of ADF attacks.

In November 2021, Uganda and the DRC signed a Memorandum of Understanding to conduct a joint military operation known as “Operation Shujaa.” This operation targeted ADF bases in Eastern DRC, which the group had been using to launch attacks on Uganda. As a result of these operations, several ADF camps were destroyed, and their commanders were either killed, captured, or rescued, with numerous abductees being freed.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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