Security Guard Arrested for Fatal Shooting on Rukungiri Farm – The Ankole Times

Security Guard Arrested for Fatal Shooting on Rukungiri Farm

Thursday, March 7, 2024
PHOTO -- Elly Maate, condemning the actions of the security guard, emphasized the availability of alternative methods for handling such situations. He suggested that shooting to disable could have been considered rather than resorting to lethal force.
Hope Turyomurugyendo
2 Min Read

A shhoting incident in Rukungiri District has led to the arrest of a private security guard. Allegations suggest that the guard fatally shot 22 year-old Kenneth Masanyu, who had inadvertently wandered into a banana plantation under the guard’s watch.

According to Elly Maate, the police spokesperson for the Kigezi region, the victim, Kenneth Masanyu, hailed from Kyobugombe Cell in Rugarama Sub-county, Ntungamo district. Masanyu, who was visiting relatives in Rukungiri District’s Kebisoni Town Council, tragically met his demise during this visit.

Nicholas Ainembabazi, identified as the suspect, is reported to be affiliated with the Millennium Security Company. The incident occurred on March 5th, around 10 pm, in Rugoma C Village. Masanyu, in an attempt to reach his grandmother’s home, inadvertently trespassed into a banana plantation under the guard of Millennium Security Company.

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Reports suggest that Ainembabazi confronted Masanyu when he noticed the intrusion. Despite being ordered to sit down, Masanyu remained standing, leading to a fatal decision from the security guard. Ainembabazi allegedly shot Masanyu directly, resulting in instant death.

The authorities were notified of the incident by Eria Tumwesigye, the area manager of Millennium Security Company. The scene of the crime was promptly visited, witness statements were collected, and the suspect was detained for interrogation.

As investigations continue, Masanyu’s body has been transferred to Rwakabengo Health Center III mortuary for postmortem examination. The Rukungiri police station has registered a case of murder by shooting.

Elly Maate, condemning the actions of the security guard, emphasized the availability of alternative methods for handling such situations. He suggested that shooting to disable could have been considered rather than resorting to lethal force.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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