Uganda Police Enhances Border Surveillance Against ADF Threat – The Ankole Times

Uganda Police Enhances Border Surveillance Against ADF Threat

Monday, March 25, 2024

The Joint Security Agencies of the police, UPDF, and JIC (CMI, ISO, CI) are actively engaged in monitoring the external border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) following reports of a group of notorious ADF rebel leaders infiltrating the country. In response to this security threat, the agencies have intensified efforts to track down the rebel leaders and other remnants of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

As the hunt for the rebel leaders and ADF remnants continues, the Uganda Police Force urges the public to remain vigilant and alert to potential threats. Specifically, all security personnel are advised to maintain full alertness, particularly those stationed at VIP installations, political gatherings, eateries, public transportation hubs, police stations, tourist sites, hotels, clubs, restaurants, places of worship, parks, high-profile events, educational institutions, airports, markets, shopping malls, government installations, and other vulnerable locations.

The Joint Counter-terror task teams are actively pursuing leads and deploying necessary measures to safeguard Ugandans and other citizens from potential threats posed by the ADF. Citizens are encouraged to promptly report any suspicious activities to the police while conducting their daily activities and businesses. Additionally, individuals found harboring or collaborating with the rebels will face legal consequences upon arrest.

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The Uganda Police Force emphasizes the importance of remaining vigilant as the Joint Anti-Terrorism Task (JATT) teams continue their efforts to locate and apprehend ADF rebel leaders hiding within the country. These teams are dedicated to disrupting the operational capabilities of the ADF and preventing their activities from gaining traction within Uganda.

According to SCP Enanga Fred, Police Spokesperson, Law enforcement agencies assure the public that they are utilizing all available resources to locate and neutralize the ADF threat, thereby safeguarding the security and well-being of the population. As patrols along the border with the DRC continue, authorities remain committed to maintaining peace and security within Uganda’s borders.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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