Ssempijja Commends UPDF for Securing Somalia's Airspace – The Ankole Times

Ssempijja Commends UPDF for Securing Somalia’s Airspace

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) have received praise for their crucial role in securing Somalia’s airspace, which had previously been threatened by frequent attacks from Al-Shabaab militants targeting airports.

Brigadier General Anthony Mbuusi Lukwago, commander of UPDF’s sector one in Somalia, emphasized the pivotal role played by the Ugandan military in safeguarding Somalia’s air transport infrastructure. He stated that without the resilience and dedication of UPDF soldiers, Somalia’s aviation sector would not have thrived as it does today.

Brigadier General Lukwago highlighted UPDF’s significant achievements in Somalia, including creating a conducive environment for political processes and ensuring the functionality of the Mogadishu government. He noted a substantial increase in airport operations, with over 8,533 international flights, 18,166 domestic flights, and 1,686 mission flights annually, attributing these improvements to UPDF’s persistent security efforts.

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The Minister for Defence and Veteran Affairs, Vincent Ssempijja, visited UPDF forces in Somalia to familiarize himself with their operations. During his visit, Minister Ssempijja commended UPDF soldiers serving as part of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) for their role in fostering Somalia’s socio-economic and political transformation while upholding the Pan-African spirit.

Minister Ssempijja expressed gratitude for the positive impact of UPDF’s mission in Somalia, acknowledging the discipline and professionalism demonstrated by Ugandan soldiers, which has earned international recognition for UPDF.

UPDF deployed to Somalia in 2007 as part of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), initially funded by the UN Security Council. Despite some countries suggesting that UPDF and AMISOM forces had fulfilled their purpose in Somalia, the mission was rebranded as ATMIS to continue supporting Somali forces and maintaining security in the region.

During his visit to UPDF’s Sector One, Minister Ssempijja observed the rapid development of Mogadishu City, the Seaport, and Aden Abdulle International Airport, citing them as tangible evidence of UPDF’s dedication and professionalism.

Minister Ssempijja also commended President Yoweri Museveni, the Commander-in-Chief, for his visionary leadership in combating Al-Shabaab terrorism at its source in Somalia, which has contributed to Uganda’s security.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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