Tekwaro Lango Paramount Chief, Eng. Dr. Michael Okune, Advocates for Inclusive Marriages with People with Disabilities – The Ankole Times

Tekwaro Lango Paramount Chief, Eng. Dr. Michael Okune, Advocates for Inclusive Marriages with People with Disabilities

Monday, December 18, 2023
Tekwaro Lango paramount chief, Dr. Eng. Michael Odongo Okune, addressed his subjects at Tekwaro Lango Palace in Senior Quarters last week.
Okidi Patrick
2 Min Read

Tekwaro Lango Paramount Chief, Engineer Dr. Michael Moses Odongo Okune, has issued a call to the people of Lango sub-region to unite and treat individuals living with disabilities equally, even encouraging them to consider marriage with such individuals.

Eng. Okune emphasized the importance of recognizing God’s creation, especially disabled individuals who require special care and attention. He urged all citizens to embrace unity and togetherness without discrimination, particularly during the festive Christmas season and as they enter the prosperous new year in 2024.

Addressing a group of people with disabilities last week from his palace in Senior Quarters, Lira City East Division, Dr. Eng. Moses Odongo Okune urged youth, especially students on holiday, to be law-abiding, avoid negative peer groups, and refrain from criminal activities.

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The paramount chief encouraged clan heads to unite their subjects and treat all individuals living with disabilities equally during the Christmas celebrations and the welcoming of the new year in 2024.

Dr. Eng. Micheal Odong Okune invoked the example of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the importance of love and unity. He urged the people of Lango sub-region to assist orphans, widows, and those living with disabilities during Christmas celebrations, believing that such acts of kindness would bring blessings.

Won Nyaci (Paramount Chief) of Tekwaro Lango underscored the values of unity, teamwork, love, and forgiveness during the Christmas season and as they approach the new year in 2024.

He concluded by extending wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy/Prosperous New Year 2024 to all clan leaders, elders, Itogo, religious leaders, civil servants, and the entire population of Lango sub-region.

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