Telemedicine Improves Ugandans' Access to Medical Services – The Ankole Times

Telemedicine Improves Ugandans’ Access to Medical Services

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Telemedicine, also known as e-medicine, is the remote delivery of healthcare services using telecommunications infrastructure. This approach allows healthcare professionals to evaluate, diagnose, inform, and treat patients without the need for in-person visits.

Ugandans who have faced challenges in accessing medical care are finding relief through the introduction of telemedicine initiatives. These initiatives are designed to enhance access to healthcare services for the population.

During the launch of the Healthcare on the Go Campaign at the Fairway Hotel, Dr. Wilbrode Okungu, the Chief Executive Officer of NetDoc, emphasized that healthcare is a fundamental right that should be universally accessible. The primary goal of the campaign is to provide on-demand access to qualified healthcare professionals through a user-friendly mobile application.

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Dr. Herbert Luswata, the Secretary General of the Uganda Medical Association (UMA), highlighted the potential of online treatment to significantly improve access to basic healthcare, especially among individuals with internet access. However, he noted that this demographic is primarily concentrated in urban areas.

Uganda currently faces a doctor-patient ratio of approximately 1:25,000, which falls well below the World Health Organization’s recommended ratio of 1:1,000. To address this gap, telemedicine platforms are playing a crucial role.

Richard Olowo, the Marketing Manager at NetDoc, explained that their innovative platform enables users to consult with over 350 health specialists, including doctors and psychologists. Users can receive prescriptions and access a wide range of medical services from any location of their choice. He emphasized that embracing self-care through telemedicine and consulting specialists early can lead to cost savings.

NetDoc has set an ambitious goal to reach at least 75% of individuals who currently visit hospitals in person within the next two years, thereby increasing the accessibility of telemedicine.

Dr. Mukuzi Muhereza endorsed telemedicine as an efficient approach to support doctors in their work, while acknowledging that there will always be patients who require in-person medical attention.

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Simon Kapere has worked for several prominent news organizations, including national and international newspapers, radio stations, and online news portals.
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