Tayebwa's Hammer Falls: Five MPs Sent Packing – The Ankole Times

Tayebwa’s Hammer Falls: Five MPs Sent Packing

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

In a baffling display of power play, Deputy Speaker Thomas Tayebwa has temporarily silenced five Members of Parliament (MPs) for their involvement in a disagreement in the House over a video clip.

The uproar began on Tuesday, October 17, 2023, during a session chaired by none other than our dear Deputy Speaker Tayebwa. The crux of the matter? A video clip that was supposed to be part of Hon. Mathias Mpuuga’s response to a statement made by Gen. David Muhoozi, the Minister of State for Internal Affairs. Muhoozi’s statement revolved around incidents involving security officials and the National Unity Party (NUP) President, Bobi Wine, and some MPs in Kampala and Kayunga districts on October 5 and 9, 2023.

You see, the opposition MPs had previously thrown a tantrum, demanding an explanation from the government regarding these disruptions and arrests. Little did they know, a grand show was in the making, courtesy of our Deputy Speaker.

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The Deputy Speaker’s suspension hammer fell on the following MPs: Hon. Betty Nambooze, Hon. Francis Zaake, Hon. Joyce Bagala, Hon. Frank Kabuye, and Hon. Derrick Nyeko. These MPs were temporarily banned from attending plenary sittings for three days, as per the Rules of Procedure, specifically Article 89 (4). It seems Tayebwa is quite the stickler for the rules, except when it comes to maintaining a semblance of order in the House.

Now, let’s get to the heart of this melodramatic tale. Gen. Muhoozi recounted that on October 5, 2023, the police and other security forces swooped in to prevent a “mobilization for an illegal procession” by the NUP President, Bobi Wine, fresh from his globetrotting escapades in Canada and South Africa. Apparently, the government couldn’t risk a VIP like Bobi Wine causing a stampede in the streets, unlike President Museveni, who travels in and out of the country without causing a fuss. Bravo, President Museveni, for not causing any stampedes with your frequent travels!

In another thrilling episode, Muhoozi described how NUP leaders and supporters decided to throw a rival Independence celebration in Kamwokya on October 9, 2023. Their brilliant plan was to stage an “illegal procession” to overshadow the national celebrations in Kitgum District. But fear not, dear citizens, for the security forces stepped in to thwart this devious plot. Fourteen leaders were arrested, detained, and released on police bond in a whirlwind of heroism.

And finally, in the town of Kayunga, Hon. Charles Tebandeke, the man who wanted a smoother road, decided to take matters into his own hands. He was merely trying to rally his community for a demonstration over the simple matter of tarmacking of a road. The police kindly advised him to bring his grievances to Parliament, where he was elected to represent his constituents. How dare he attempt to tarnish the National Independence Day celebrations with such trivial matters!

Muhoozi’s grand performance concluded with a reminder that all this chaos and law enforcement activity were merely responses to the intent and activities that could “cause public disorder and breach of the peace.” The police, of course, have the sacred duty to keep law and order, just as they exercised their “authority and powers” in handling these matters.

As if this farcical drama wasn’t enough, when Hon. Mpuuga, the Leader of the Opposition, attempted to show a video of these events, a “technical glitch” conveniently occurred. A subsequent vote against playing the video transformed the parliamentary chamber into a scene from a Ugandan comedy.

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In the end, Tayebwa, our Deputy Speaker and the director of this theatrical masterpiece, wielded his suspension powers, leaving us all in suspense for the next episode of this political soap opera. Bravo, Tayebwa, for keeping us entertained and baffled in equal measure!

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