The Public is Disappointed in Hon. Ssemuju's Response – The Ankole Times

The Public is Disappointed in Hon. Ssemuju’s Response

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Jimmy Spire Ssentongo has responded to Hon. Ssemuju’s defence against allegations raised during the #UgandaParliamentExhibition. Ssentongo commended Ssemuju for addressing the concerns but adopted a critical stance, highlighting various issues for discussion.

Ssentongo began by acknowledging Ssemuju’s stature as one of the most respected and admired MPs. He notes Ssemuju’s history of courageous and articulate advocacy for the people. However, Ssentongo contends that such esteem places Ssemuju under intense scrutiny. The public, having elevated Ssemuju as a beacon of hope in politics, feels particularly betrayed when any suspicion of wrongdoing arises. Ssentongo compares Ssemuju’s situation to that of Hon. Mpuuga, suggesting that high expectations lead to harsher judgment. This heightened scrutiny is exacerbated by a prevailing sense of anger and cynicism among the online populace due to recent revelations.

Moreover, Ssentongo has criticized Ssemuju’s responses to questions about parliamentary accountability and opulence. He argues that Ssemuju’s usual clarity and directness have been lacking, replaced by vagueness or defensiveness. Ssentongo asserts that Ssemuju’s deviation from his typical forthrightness has only fueled public curiosity and disappointment.

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Ssentongo challenged Ssemuju’s defence regarding facilitation for a pilgrimage to Mecca, which the opposition law maker compared to similar benefits provided to Christian MPs for trips to Rome. He dismissed this justification as a fallacy of two wrongs, emphasizing that the use of taxpayers’ money for private affairs is unacceptable regardless of religious affiliation.

Ssentongo expressed disappointment that Ssemuju, known for advocating for the common person, failed to address this misuse of public funds effectively. He questioned whether Ssemuju would continue to condone such practices, suggesting a decline in Ssemuju’s commitment to representing public interests.

Despite his criticism, Ssentongo acknowledged Ssemuju’s humanity and the inevitability of mistakes. He reaffirmed his admiration for Ssemuju’s past performances but urged him not to dismiss the public’s concerns. Ssentongo emphasized the importance of maintaining public trust in Parliament and urged Ssemuju to consider the genuine grievances raised by citizens.


Ssentongo emphasizes the need for transparency and accountability within Parliament. He calls upon Ssemuju to acknowledge and address the public’s discontent, recognizing the opportunity for positive change. Ssentongo’s critique serves as a reminder of the responsibilities entrusted to elected officials and the expectations of the people they serve.

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Paul K Mugabe is a news analyst and commentator who has been gracing the pages of The East African Central Press Syndicate with his thought-provoking, and often eyebrow-raising, insights. - mugabe [at]
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