Thieves Target Teachers in Oyam District, Causing Concern – The Ankole Times

Thieves Target Teachers in Oyam District, Causing Concern

Friday, October 13, 2023
Ader Primary school in Otwal sub county Oyam district
Ojara Daniel
2 Min Read

A high level of theft targeting teachers’ properties at Ader Primary School Staff Quarters in Otwal Sub-county, Oyam District, is causing concern among educators. Many of their belongings have reportedly been stolen by suspected thieves.

During the annual general meeting on Thursday at the school, teachers voiced their frustrations over the thefts, which are impeding their teaching efforts and making it challenging to live in the staff quarters. Thieves have been breaking into their houses, resulting in the loss of various items. Domestic birds, animals, and crops from their gardens have also fallen victim to these suspected criminals.

Casimiro Olobo, the headteacher of Ader Primary School, confirmed these reports to school leaders and parents. He mentioned that these suspected thieves usually strike when teachers are away from the quarters, particularly at night. Since the beginning of the first term until this term, items worth millions of shillings have been stolen from the staff quarters, yet none of the suspects have been apprehended despite reporting the cases to local leaders.

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Olobo mentioned that, in light of these incidents, some teachers have opted to rent accommodations outside the staff quarters or commute from their homes to safeguard their properties from thieves.

However, RDC Oyam District, William Komakech, recently gave a directive during the World Teachers’ Day celebration at Atapara Primary School. He instructed all LC1 chairpersons in Oyam District to ensure the security of teachers living within their villages and protect them from suspected thieves. He emphasized that the LC1 chairpersons are responsible for the security of the people in their areas.

Ader Primary School, located in Otwal Sub-county, Oyam District, is a UPE (Universal Primary Education) school under the Catholic Church foundation. It has 11 teachers and a total enrollment of 1462 pupils. This year, 39 candidates have registered for the P7 Primary Leaving Examination (PLE).

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