Guidelines Issued for Murchison Falls Route Amid Karuma Bridge Closure – The Ankole Times

Guidelines Issued for Murchison Falls Route Amid Karuma Bridge Closure

Monday, May 6, 2024

Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) has recently outlined a set of rules for all vehicles entering Murchison Falls National Park, following the closure of the Karuma Bridge to heavy vehicles. This closure, initiated by the Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) due to structural concerns, has necessitated alternative routes for certain vehicles, prompting UWA to establish regulations to ensure safety and wildlife preservation.

The regulations include the requirement for all vehicles, except those prohibited by UNRA from using the Karuma Bridge, to pay an entrance fee upon entering the park. Additionally, vehicles must adhere to specific timings, operating within the park’s hours from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, refrain from hooting, maintain designated speed limits, and avoid stopping within the park premises.

Bashir Hangi, UWA’s manager of communication and public relations, emphasized the importance of compliance with these regulations, citing the dual objectives of ensuring human safety and preserving wildlife within the park. Hangi underscored the significance of adhering to UNRA’s directive regarding the use of the Karuma Bridge and urged motorists to cooperate with the outlined guidelines.

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Furthermore, UWA highlighted the prohibition of littering within the park and cautioned against feeding animals or making unnecessary stops, except in emergency situations. Unauthorized diversions from designated roads within the park are strictly prohibited, with penalties for non-compliance.

The closure of the Karuma Bridge, initiated by UNRA, stems from concerns over structural integrity, particularly on the Kampala approach lane. Engineers, both local and international, have been tasked with assessing the extent of the damage and formulating plans for restoration. During the estimated three-month period of rehabilitation, only passenger vehicles carrying up to 28 occupants will be permitted to use the bridge.

As a temporary alternative, motorists traveling between Kampala and Gulu/West Nile are advised to utilize alternative routes via Luwero-Kafu-Masindi-Paraa or Iganga-Nakalama-Tirinyi-Pallisa-Kumi-Soroti-Lira. UNRA also indicated ongoing efforts by the government to secure funding for the construction of a new bridge at Karuma, with plans for a modernized structure resembling the New Jinja Bridge.

The existing Karuma Bridge, constructed in 1963, lacks modern safety features and has been the site of numerous accidents. Plans for its replacement underscore the government’s commitment to enhancing infrastructure and ensuring the safety of road users in Uganda.

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