Traffic Advisory for Labour Day Celebrations in Fort Portal – The Ankole Times

Traffic Advisory for Labour Day Celebrations in Fort Portal

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Today marks the commencement of Labour Day celebrations in Fort Portal, with festivities set to take place on May 1, 2024. As preparations unfold, motorists have received advisories urging caution and preparedness for potentially heavy traffic congestion, particularly along Nateete Road, notably at the Busega roundabout, as relayed by the Police.

Patrick Onyango, the Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesperson, highlighted the expected influx of senior government officials traveling to Fort Portal for the festivities. This influx is anticipated to exacerbate traffic conditions in the area, necessitating proactive measures to manage congestion and ensure commuter safety.

In response to the heightened traffic volume, both traffic officers and general duties personnel have been deployed to oversee traffic flow and address potential safety concerns. The presence of law enforcement personnel aims to mitigate risks such as theft incidents, including phone and bag snatching, particularly during late hours when officials may be returning from the celebrations.

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Emphasizing the importance of patience and adherence to traffic regulations, Onyango stressed the need for motorists to remain vigilant throughout their journeys. It is essential for motorists to plan their travel routes meticulously, allowing for additional travel time to accommodate potential delays associated with the Labour Day celebrations.

The guidance provided by the Police serves as a reminder for motorists to exercise caution and prudence while navigating the roads during this bustling period. By staying informed, following traffic guidelines, and maintaining vigilance, motorists can contribute to ensuring a smooth and safe travel experience for all individuals participating in Labour Day activities.

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