Uganda Finalizes Draft Bill for National Health Insurance Scheme – The Ankole Times

Uganda Finalizes Draft Bill for National Health Insurance Scheme

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
The draft bill outlines that all Ugandans aged 18 and above will need to enroll in and make premium payments for the proposed NHIS. Dependents below 18 will require their parents or guardians to cover their premiums.
Ibrahim Jjunju
3 Min Read

Consultations on National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Conclude

The National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) in Uganda has reached the final stages of its development, with a draft bill ready for submission to the cabinet. Dr. Sarah Byakika, the Commissioner of Planning, Financing, and Policy, confirmed this significant step.

The NHIS Concept

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NHIS is a system where citizens contribute a set amount of money, based on their financial ability, to access healthcare services at accredited public and private health facilities using a dedicated card.

Key Points of the Draft Bill

The draft bill outlines that all Ugandans aged 18 and above will need to enroll in and make premium payments for the proposed NHIS. Dependents below 18 will require their parents or guardians to cover their premiums.

For formal sector employees, premium rates will be determined based on their income levels. Importantly, these rates will be established as flat fees, not as a percentage of their salaries, according to Dr. Byakika.

Employees in the informal sector, who earn more than their formal sector counterparts, will contribute UGX 15,000 per month until a system is established to determine income bands through the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) or the National Identification and Registration Authority (NIRA).

Uganda’s Current Health Insurance Situation

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Uganda remains the only East African nation without a national health insurance scheme, despite having the highest out-of-pocket healthcare costs in the region. Approximately 41% of the country’s healthcare expenses are paid directly by individuals through out-of-pocket payments.

Historical Context

Discussions on national health insurance in Uganda began in the late 1980s, and the concept has evolved gradually over the years.

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On August 22, 2019, the Minister of Health presented the National Health Insurance Scheme Bill to Parliament for its initial reading.

On March 31, 2021, the Parliament of Uganda passed the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) Bill.

Regrettably, in October 2021, the bill was sent back to the Ministry of Health for revisions because it did not address certain legal concerns. In May 2022, the Attorney General was tasked with reviewing the bill to align it with the Insurance Regulatory Authority’s requirements.

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