Uganda Prepares to Lead NAM's Three Year Agenda – The Ankole Times

Uganda Prepares to Lead NAM’s Three Year Agenda

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Uganda is gearing up to take on the chairmanship of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), with a three-year vision emphasizing peace, security, and humanitarian development on both international and regional fronts. Foreign Affairs Minister Gen. Jeje Odongo outlined Uganda’s ambitious vision under the theme “A stronger and United NAM that contributes to a better world for all.” This pivotal role will be officially inaugurated at the 19th Summit of the Heads of State and Government, scheduled for January 15-20, 2024, at the Speke Resort Munyonyo.

The journey towards Uganda’s chairmanship began on January 21, 2020, when NAM members unanimously endorsed the country’s bid. However, due to the global challenges posed by COVID-19, the commencement was postponed until now. President Yoweri Museveni is poised to hold the mantle of chairman during the upcoming summit, where the overarching theme is “Deepening cooperation for shared global affluence.”

According to Gen. Jeje Odongo, Uganda’s chairmanship aims to strengthen NAM through enhanced cooperation and collaboration within its diverse membership. The vision statement aligns with the proposed theme and underscores a commitment to creating a more united and robust NAM that actively contributes to global betterment.

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During the three-year term, Uganda’s chairmanship will bring attention to critical issues, including regional and international peace and security, the fight against terrorism, international migration and humanitarian crises, human trafficking, drug smuggling, the international community’s Agenda 2030, and the Sustainable Development Goals.

In welcoming Heads of State and Government, Delegations, and all delegates to the summit, President Museveni positions Uganda as a proactive force in addressing global challenges and fostering cooperation among NAM’s 120 member states, 18 observer countries, and 10 observer organizations.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, John Mulimba, envisions the chairmanship as an opportunity to showcase Uganda’s unique tourism and investment prospects to a wider international audience. The events will include a business forum facilitating direct business-to-business interactions and partnerships, with two dedicated websites offering information on investment opportunities and tourism.

Uganda’s hosting of the Third South Summit under the framework of Group 77 and China, from January 21-23 at the same venue, further amplifies the country’s role on the international stage. With the theme “Leaving no one behind,” this summit aligns with Uganda’s commitment to inclusive development.

Uganda’s Members of Parliament express optimism, highlighting the positive trajectory of the country’s international image. The economic benefits anticipated from hosting these summits, along with previous successful events like CHOGM and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference, position Uganda as a key player in fostering global collaboration and economic growth.

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Hope Turyomurugyendo has a pivotal role as the Jobs and Tenders Notices Publisher at The Ankole Times. She is driven by a passion for connecting job seekers, entrepreneurs, and businesses with valuable opportunities in Uganda.
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