Under Idi Amin, Bannubi Showed More Patriotism Than Banyankole under Museveni – The Ankole Times

Under Idi Amin, Bannubi Showed More Patriotism Than Banyankole under Museveni

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Gentlemen, This is what surprise me about these fellows, when Amin came to power Bombo grew up at a high speed. But so did very many services. Nubians knew that they were a part of Uganda and they needed the services to enjoy the life in the country. When you look at the services they introduced in the country they were to make themselves happy with the rest of Ugandans. Illiterate as many were they actually tapped into the interna

tional community to bring very many new services to make their lives and the lives of Ugandans exciting. Color Television was installed to make a Munubbi happy in his house as it makes a Mulindwa in Kayunga happy. Mpoma earth satellite was installed to make a Munubbi happy in his house as it makes a Mulindwa in Kayunga happy. Railway coaches were bought in same manner, Scanias Barliets {sp} ,Fiat 110NC and Mirafioris same thing.

And all I am trying to put across is that as much as Banubbi lived in Bombo they built a life for themselves which in turn we all enjoyed in one way or another.

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Voice of Uganda, Thursday Jan. 20th 1977
‘President Amin lays the foundation stone of Lake Katwe, salt project in Rwenzori District, western Province, He said Uganda was working towards industrial self-reliance.’

There is no question in my mind that Rwandese have enjoyed life in Uganda and I have no problem with that fact, but it is troubling how they have decided to limit that enjoyment by refusing to install anything in Uganda which can make a Ugandan happy too.

You see when you screw up the school system you screw up a Rwandese kid living in Luwero, when you screw a medical structure you screw a Rwandese that live in Nakyesasa as well. When you screw up a road system you screw up a Rwandese living in Kyotera as well. Load shedding affects all of Ugandans including a Rwandese in Matugga. So the happiness The Rwandese have done is very well crafted to only exist internally in homes of a class that is typical Rwandese and in up echelons.

Voice of Uganda, Saturday January 15th, 1977
‘The love and tenderly touch of a grandma holds on. Mrs Kibedi, mother-in-law of President Amin pictured with her grand-children when they visited her at Mulago Hospital in Kampala

There is poverty in Mbarara that is way worse than in Luwero. And no one should stand up to lie to you today that Banyankole are living a life a Munubbi lived in Uganda. No way. And I am making this comparison for a man like Haji Kadingiddi had all he needed for his life, but so was a Munubbi kid in Wobulenzi. When a Republic Express Services bus rolled on Bombo road that Munubbi kid in Wobulenzi had a transportation system but so was Mulindwa’s son sitting right behind him, they both arrived in Kampala same time.

Museveni boys and girls, on the otherhand, give transportation to only a Rwandese living on Kyaddondo road by handing him a 4X4 for the roads are screwed up and if you are a Rwandese or a Munyankole in Bushenyi you are screwed the very same way an Acholi is screwed in the Dokolo crap.

I am going back to the discussion of Uganda failing to transmit data, how can a Rwandese fail to realize the beauty of data transfer?

How can he fail to enjoy that kind of facility? Yes he can refuse himself from enjoying it because that enjoyment will get out of his house and it gets tapped into by my son in Wobulenzi. I found it very fascinating that I can send flowers to Mogadishu on line but not Kampala. Are you kidding me !!!!! There are very many western union hubs in Uganda where you can pick money from, but when you put the number to the clerk he has to make a phone call, do you know why? Because he has to call who ever has access to the data to verify that number and to know how much is on it. There is a reason you cannot know how much you have in a bank in Jinja when your account is in Iganga, banks do not communicate with each other for they communicate through data that we do not transmit.

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There is a reason I cannot know how many bottles of Uganda waragi are in stock in a shop today in Kampala because shops in Uganda do not access data so they cannot talk. Data transmission is that important in 2014. Because the Rwandese see a larger society success in using data they limited it out of the country. Friends these are very strange people with a very strange agenda.

This Article was Written by Edward Mulindwa (Toronto) Via  the UAH forum.

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