VP Alupo Commissions New Community School in Katakwi – The Ankole Times

VP Alupo Commissions New Community School in Katakwi

Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Vice President Alupo's Initiative: New Community School Commissioned in Katakwi
Richard Onapatum
6 Min Read

 Richard Onapatum | Katakwi, (UG): Residents of Okadanya village, Adacar parish, Guya Guya Subcounty in Katakwi district, hailed Vice President Jessica Alupo on Friday, March 1, 2024, for commissioning the building of a new community school.

Okadanya Community Primary School, which started in 1930, has been operating under a mango tree and a temporary grass-thatched house for three classes (P1-P3).

Through the lobbying efforts of the area MP, Vice President Jessica Alupo, she was able to convince the Nile Humanitarian Development Agency from Turkey to start construction and support the community school.

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William Choda, the LC1 Chairman of Okadanya parish, thanked Vice President Alupo for connecting them to the Nile Humanitarian Development Agency and putting their village on the map.

“Thank you, Madam Vice President, for listening to our plea. They drilled a borehole for us, but water is scarce. The nearest water source is 2 km away. We appeal to you to drill a borehole for us,” he appealed.

“We thank you for the tractor; we tried uprooting trees, and now the area is clean. If possible, let the road construction extend past the school to Odoom,” he added.

“We thank the government for freeing us from camps. We are now living freely in our homes,” he continued.

He also appealed to leaders to provide them with seeds for planting during this rainy season, requested transport facilitation, and urged leaders to support area saving groups.

Amos Otim, Chairman LC3 Guyaguya, thanked the Vice President for her dedication to Uganda and Teso, especially Guyaguya Subcounty.

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“We are all going to vote for Mama VP. Maybe even a blind man will vote wrongly,” he joked.

He asked for Guyaguya Primary School teachers to be recruited into the government and requested inclusion in the payroll.

“Kindly, District Service Commission, consider teachers from this school during recruitment,” he appealed.

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He also highlighted the plight of vulnerable youth and requested assistance for an elderly man who lost his property in a fire.

He reiterated the need for seeds for farming in the rainy season, stating, “We don’t want posho; give us seeds.”

Michael Ogulo, the headmaster of Okadanya Community Primary School, expressed concern about the lack of water and textbooks, appealing to the Vice President for assistance.

Issa, the Board Chairperson of the Nile Humanitarian Development Agency, expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and pledged continued support.

“We are humbled to be in this place. We have a big job to do here. This school started in the 1930s, and I know we shall succeed,” he said.

“I want to thank the Vice President for fulfilling the dream of the people who started this school,” he added.

“We are humbled to associate with the Vice President. We pray to Almighty God to guide us and keep our friendship,” he continued.

He appealed for the promised support to be expedited and pledged ongoing assistance.

Hakan Wills, the Executive Director of Nile Humanitarian Development Agency, thanked the Vice President and the community, promising to ensure Okadanya Community Primary School shines.

He urged the community to support the Vice President’s reelection bid, citing her dedication to serving the nation.

Chairman Geoffrey Omolo encouraged the community to support the Vice President and appreciated the district leadership and friends for their support.

“Thanks for your motivation, people of Okadanya. You put up structures and showed interest,” he said.

He asked teachers to remain calm as the school is not yet coded but has EMIS numbers, and he urged the community to support the teachers.

He encouraged residents to engage in farming as the rains have returned.

The RDC Major Godfrey Katamba used a metaphor to express gratitude and urged support for the Vice President’s reelection.

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He highlighted the need for a secondary school in Guyaguya Subcounty and thanked the Vice President for her support.

He urged the community to attend Women’s Day celebrations in Katakwi district and expressed support for the Vice President’s reelection bid.

Vice President Jessica Alupo applauded the district leadership for cooperation and emphasized the importance of the new school.

She thanked parents for keeping the school operational and expressed greetings from the President and Minister of Education.

She urged parents to enroll their children in school and promised government support for education and health infrastructure.

She confirmed plans for a regional referral hospital and elevation of Koritok Health Centre.

She pledged support for community development projects and promised to address community needs, including drilling boreholes and supporting vulnerable individuals.

She thanked the Nile Humanitarian Development Agency for their support and promised to advocate for further assistance.

She urged residents to support government programs and the NRM party.

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