Wetland Encroachers in Oyam District Defy Orders, Pose Security Threats – The Ankole Times

Wetland Encroachers in Oyam District Defy Orders, Pose Security Threats

Monday, September 25, 2023

A group of 15 to 20 male adults, believed to be from Central Uganda, entered Abongodero village, Acut parish, Ngai sub-county, Oyam district, in July of this year, illegally encroaching on the wetlands and causing serious degradation of the Abongodero swamp.

Reports indicate that, in addition to digging on the wetlands, these individuals are also posing security threats to locals by stealing cassava and maize at night and killing amphibians such as frogs and snakes. They are known to extract snake venom, and their intentions with it remain unknown.

Paul Ociti, Councilor III for Acut parish in Ngai sub-county, Oyam district, stated that these individuals entered the village without the necessary permission, and despite orders to cease wetlands degradation, they continue to destroy over 4 hectares of wetlands on Abongodero swamp for rice and vegetable cultivation.

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Jimmy Anywar, the chairperson of LC3 Ngai sub-county in Oyam district, confirmed the reports. He mentioned that they informed the RDC (Resident District Commissioner) of Oyam district, who is responsible for security, but the security team has not yet responded to visit the area. As the authorities of Ngai sub-county, they have received threatening phone calls, warning them not to interfere with these individuals.

However, when William Komakech, the RDC of Oyam district, was asked for comment on the report, he claimed that his office was not aware of such a report. He assured the community that they would promptly investigate the matter.

It’s worth noting that President Museveni has directed RDCs to have the authority to control wetlands from being destroyed by encroachers. In Oyam district alone, over 1000 hectares of wetlands were conserved last year, preventing encroachers from planting rice and vegetables.

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