Former FDC Leader Asiimwe Joan Finds Home in NRM in Political Flip-Flop – The Ankole Times

Former FDC Leader Asiimwe Joan Finds Home in NRM in Political Flip-Flop

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Richard Todwong, the Secretary General of the National Resistance Movement (NRM) rolled out the red carpet – or should we say, the yellow carpet to welcome Ms. Asiimwe Joan into the party’s fold on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Ms. Asiimwe, a former member of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Party, expressed her disillusionment with the ideologies of her former party.

Accompanied by Buyaga West constituency MP Hon. Barnabas Tinkasimire and other local leaders from Kitagwenda and Kamwenge districts, Ms. Asiimwe made her official entrance into the NRM at the party’s headquarters on Plot 10, Kyadondo Road in Nakasero, Kampala.

Ms. Asiimwe, formerly flying the flag of the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) Party, found herself winging her way into the NRM’s nest, citing a loss of trust in her former party’s ideologies.

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During the event, Todwong presented Ms. Asiimwe with the NRM constitution, manifesto, and the obligatory branded shirts, symbolizing her formal integration into the ruling party. He emphasized the importance of understanding the party’s core principles and encouraged her active participation in its activities.

In his address, Todwong lauded Ms. Asiimwe’s decision to join the NRM, highlighting the party’s focus on addressing issues that impact the masses. He stressed the party’s commitment to unity and emphasized its inclusive approach to governance. “We don’t concentrate on the things that divide our people. We’re all about bringing people together, like a political shepherd herding its flock.”

Todwong didn’t stop there. He encouraged Ms. Asiimwe to dive headfirst into the NRM’s ideology, like a swimmer plunging into Lake Victoria. “I ask you to read and understand our ideology,” he urged, “and I encourage you to participate in the activities of our party.

In response, Ms. Asiimwe articulated her belief in the NRM’s principles, values, and vision for the future. She expressed her readiness to contribute meaningfully to the country’s development through active political engagement within the party.

“I firmly believe in the principles, values, and focus that the NRM upholds, and I am ready to contribute to the betterment of our country through meaningful political participation,” Ms. Asiimwe affirmed.

And why did she leave the FDC? Well, according to Ms. Asiimwe, it was like leaving a sinking ship. “I left FDC because of loss of direction and purpose from the party,” she confessed, like a sailor jumping off a vessel doomed to be a political Titanic.

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Whether it’s a tale of political redemption or just another chapter in Uganda’s ever-unfolding political drama, only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure – in Ugandan politics, expect the unexpected.

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