On Wednesday, the Ugandan entertainment industry faced the sad news of Pherrie Erum Kimbugwe’s passing, popularly known as Pherrie Kim. She had previously worked as the Public Relations Officer and Publicist at Club Guvnor. Her sudden death left a gap in the hearts of those who knew her.
Early today, portions of Pherrie Kim’s final wishes began circulating on social media. In her unique way, she expressed her desire not to have her pictures on display and requested mourners not to grieve for her.
Pherrie Kim, known for her discerning nature, carefully listed a group of photographers she had worked with over the years for her funeral coverage. She entrusted this task to Josephat Sseguya, Edgar Batte, Ronnie Bob, Oscar Ntege, and Isaac Sulah Sserwada, commending their exceptional work.
As a touching gesture, Pherrie Kim requested that those attending her burial be allowed to use their mobile phones for selfies, videos, and live coverage, enabling her friends in the diaspora to be part of the farewell.
She also emphasized her preference for her images not to be placed near her body, on tables, or on clothing items like t-shirts and calendars. Pherrie Kim entrusted her close family members with the responsibility of ensuring this request is followed.
Today, Pherrie Kim, who lost her battle with brain cancer, will be laid to rest at her ancestral home in Katale, Seguku, at 2 p.m., following the arrangements detailed on the website.
Back in 2018, through a heartfelt message on Facebook, Pherrie Kim expressed her wish for her passing to be marked without tears, believing she would be in a better place.
She wanted to be buried at the Kimbugwe Ancestral home and cemetery located along Entebbe road on block 459. Her beloved father, Prince A K Kimbugwe, was entrusted with the task of selecting the exact burial location.