France Invests Shs3.2 Trillion in Ugandan Projects – The Ankole Times

France Invests Shs3.2 Trillion in Ugandan Projects

Thursday, February 1, 2024

French Ambassador Xavier Sticker confirmed that despite concerns about Uganda’s anti-homosexuality legislation, France will continue funding crucial projects in collaboration with the Ugandan government. The French Development Agency (AFD) is set to invest Euros 800 million (approximately Shs3.2 trillion) in various sectors, including water and sanitation, energy, transport, urban development, and private sector promotion.

Among the highlighted projects are:

  1. Kampala Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation Project:
    • Cost: 225 million euros (Shs928 billion)
    • Includes the Katosi Water Treatment Plant and the third phase of the Kampala Water and Sanitation Project.
  2. South-West Water and Sanitation Project:
    • Cost: 120 million euros (Shs495 billion)
    • Involves extending water from River Kagera to Mbarara and Masaka cities.
  3. Isingiro Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Project:
    • Aim: Distribution of water to rural parts of Isingiro District and refugee settlements in Nakivale and Oruchinga.
  4. Energy Sector:
    • Masaka-Mbarara transmission line: 37.1 million euros (Shs152.4 billion)
    • Rural electrification of Western Uganda: 51.2 million euros (Shs210 billion)
    • Feasibility studies for mini-hydropower plants in West Nile: 1.5 million euros (Shs6 billion)
    • Technical assistance to UEGCL for hydro power plant operation: 0.85 million euros (Shs340 million)
  5. Transport Sector:
    • Kampala-Jinja Expressway: Financing through a 90 million euros soft loan from AFD and a 90 million euro grant from the European Union.
    • Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area Urban Development Programme: 40 million euros.

Additionally, France will support initiatives such as the Convention for Mayors for Sub-Saharan Africa, technical assistance for clean energy access, and wetlands protection. The partnership with Kampala Capital City Authority and the City of Strasbourg aims to promote green spaces and urban agriculture at a cost of 1.5 million euros.

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