State House Investors Protection Unit Urged to Enforce Accountability for Investors and Officials – The Ankole Times

State House Investors Protection Unit Urged to Enforce Accountability for Investors and Officials

Friday, February 2, 2024

During a recent meeting between the Head of the State House Investors Protection Unit (SHIPU), Col. Edith Nakalema, and communication officers from various government entities, the unit was urged to take decisive action against investors and government officials who violate laws and investment procedures. The meeting aimed to promote the SHIPU online reporting portal, established last year, which serves as a platform for investors to file complaints and compliments related to the investment process in the country.

Government communication officers expressed concerns about investors colluding with officials to circumvent laws and procedures. They highlighted instances where government officials face intimidation and pressure when attempting to enforce legal procedures against certain investors.

Irene Kizza from the Ministry of Trade emphasized the need for self-evaluation among government officials, acknowledging that some may appear to cause delays due to external pressures. Kizza noted instances where officials, despite advising investors to follow proper procedures, face challenges when dealing with influential figures in the government.

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Frank Mugabi from the National Agricultural Organisation (NARO) raised concerns about investors claiming to have orders from high-ranking authorities, obstructing government officials from conducting necessary inspections of their operations.

Col. Nakalema acknowledged reports of leaders being hindered from carrying out their duties and shared that the unit has received numerous complaints from local investors regarding issues such as high-interest rates on bank loans and elevated tax rates.

The discussion underscored the importance of the SHIPU in ensuring accountability, transparency, and adherence to legal procedures within the investment landscape. The portal serves as a tool for stakeholders to report malpractices and contribute to a more robust and fair investment environment in the country.

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