Ssenyonyi Received UGX 200 Million to Skew Uganda Airlines Report - Odonga Otto – The Ankole Times

Ssenyonyi Received UGX 200 Million to Skew Uganda Airlines Report – Odonga Otto

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Hon. Odonga Otto has raised allegations against Joel Ssenyonyi, the new leader of the opposition in Uganda’s parliament. The accusations suggest that Ssenyonyi accepted bribes amounting to UGX 200 million to provide favorable reporting on Uganda Airlines during parliamentary sessions. This assertion was conveyed through a tweet by Hon. Otto, wherein he stated, “The truth never hides for long. Shock as former COSASE leadership picks UGX 200 million (100m from CAA and 100 from Uganda airlines) to ‘oil’ a good report on the matter they were investigating.” The tweet also called for Ssenyonyi’s attention to the matter.

The emergence of such allegations has ignited discussions regarding the integrity and credibility of the Ugandan opposition within the parliamentary framework. Hon. Odonga Otto, a seasoned politician, previously served as a Member of Parliament (MP) for two decades, spanning from 2001 to 2021, representing the opposition. However, he faced defeat in the 2021 general elections. Notably, Hon. Otto has recently expressed his intention to contest the upcoming presidential elections slated for 2026.

The allegations of bribery levied against Joel Ssenyonyi have amplified concerns about the ethical conduct of political leaders within Uganda’s legislative assembly. It’s imperative to scrutinize such claims to ensure transparency and accountability in parliamentary proceedings. Furthermore, the allegations underscore the delicate balance between political interests and the ethical responsibilities incumbent upon public officials.

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To provide a clearer overview, the following table outlines the key details surrounding the allegations:

Accused Joel Ssenyonyi
Allegations Accepting bribes totaling UGX 200 million
Source of Funds UGX 100 million from CAA, UGX 100 million from Uganda Airlines
Medium of Allegation Twitter statement by Hon. Odonga Otto
Response Required Investigation into the allegations


In light of these allegations, it becomes crucial for relevant authorities to conduct a thorough investigation to ascertain the veracity of the claims. Upholding the principles of accountability and transparency is paramount in maintaining the integrity of parliamentary proceedings and safeguarding public trust in the political system.

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