Richard Kavuma, a 45-year-old businessman from Tilibogo Village in Mpigi District, pretended to be deceased in an attempt to evaluate the depth of affection from his family and friends. The unconventional act stirred mixed reactions among Mudduma Sub County leaders and residents, although Kavuma defended his motives.
Musa Kakembo, the Mudduma Sub County chairperson, praised Kavuma as a hardworking individual in both his business and farming endeavors. He recounted his initial disbelief upon receiving news of Kavuma’s “passing” during a Saturday function. Kakembo had rushed to Tilibogo Village, prepared to assist with funeral arrangements, only to discover Kavuma seated at his shop, seemingly alive and well. Kakembo asserted that individuals have the right to make choices that align with their own lives, as long as these actions do not harm others.
Diana Nalweyiso, a resident of Tilibogo Village, expressed concerns about the potential consequences of such a ruse, including shock among those who received the false news. However, she acknowledged that Kavuma likely achieved his objective in determining who cared about him among his relatives and friends. She suggested that some family members might have been aware of Kavuma’s plan, which could explain their absence.
In a brief interview, Kavuma admitted that this was not his first attempt at faking his own death. He disclosed that his initial motive was to observe his wife’s response, noting that she showed no concern, even when they shared a bed. Kavuma expressed disappointment in friends and relatives who did not appear after hearing the news of his “demise,” branding them as hypocrites who failed to appreciate his love and care. He declared his intentions to take action against those who did not demonstrate their love.
Kavuma initiated the charade by announcing his demise to friends and relatives on September 23, 2023, through an undisclosed friend. His ultimate goal was to gauge the reactions of his close loved ones.